033 (10)

To begin the fiat section: Tum, ch 2, and work 4 hdc in the next 4 sts, tum. Work 2 morę rows of hdc, cut yarn to about 6" and puli through last Ip.
Use tails of yarn to sew handles to bag on the second-to-the-last rnd of the bag, centered over the inc sections on either side of the center front and back of the bag.
Baste the opening of the bag closed with cotton cord. Felt in the washer, checking occasionally to see if the bag is completely felted. When the bag is felted to the desired texture/ remove the basting cord, adjust to the finished shape, and let dry in a warm, dry place.
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033 (10) To begin the fiat section: Tum, ch 2, and work 4 hdc in the next 4 sts, tum. Work 2 moImage Example of Heart Connect the Dots for Valentine Connect The Dots! A to Z then 1 to 10 to make309 connect dots 1 10 Connect the dots from I to 10 to finish the picture. Color the picture. Home lCreative Doughcraft5 CHRISTMAS TABLE NAPKIN RINGS To make the head, roli a smali marble-size bali olabirynt bożenarodzenie łamigłówki (39) Help Santa through the Sleigh maże to find the next houseSewn-on Facings Work ribbing to the desired length, then work 2 morę rows in a contrast color.Table 3 shows the method proposed to assess the rock mass strength gives reasonable values of Mohr -S5000329 tery". We also wanted to present the most intcresling items from thc colłedion of our44 M. SIKORSKI ABSTRACT The aim of this paper is to review the most widely used techniąue for studieDSC00011 Tum the work sidewise, change shuttles and work a second row of dks, joinlng them In the saboorstin21 ii4 FrcrmTrrueler to Tcrurist: The next development has been the lutury mjbtel. With itsimg038 (25) st), work in 2x2 rib to last 3 sts, k2, kl (edge st; work in garter st). Work 8 morę&nbswięcej podobnych podstron