Th* 4th of DoxSI. 341
A New Tale of the
In our r.\clu%ivc trricti Atkoinctr JiJc cerom** h** n{4oib ł*yCc<ing ibc Roorfu
(n tłm in*tallmcnt. h< * r rte* of the diy» he In
ihc infamou* hu of FJunu, whcec Kotom tnbe* rok the lmd and jV(VK«vunkncmn metal* can be di*eovcfcJ. Fuli wory be I o u the foki One hundred pcfCtM troć ind (iron the pen of the <r*
pkfcr himtetf*
Union Leader Abandons Solidarity with Trade l nion Party Members
In a aurpme *miuh from party hnc poutiea. Trade Un>xi Leader Kke* Durnaed anrvc*unced incention to *et a*ide any obtevtion eo the cl.ywre e»f funher negotai-tH«m bctmwn eei5fc*enta*ivc*
kr>('A* **h
Clmmmg it will rcvolutk>nixc security and (rantpoffuróon. Rcchcllc Tc kaci announeed ber Hou$c\ ncw V4uh-M>ic irain car, internie** for ihc tran*port»-tion and protcciion of valuablc good> via raihvay.'lhc car i* on display for ihc public nt tbc EwrgłllTrainyards until the I9th.
Deugned *pccitica11y i* i rc* ponur jo jhf terrible and fHc m bandu artaefc* by radl group* a* ihc tnfamou* ” V*nnhcf».~ the nc* Breafcnaught train car u fabriCMed ffv>m the ńneit %k<cl, deugned upoo
tbc b!cxt modern łmc* ind *e*Vd by a Ottwrt dcor and lodtide ntical to thi*%c found upoo the vauh* of Tc kieł**
inm banking bemes
Tbc umtfif mevtunnm of thi* wiecm&cally adwneed lock guarantce* that oncc v(iVd, ihc raika* eaiw* be reoperted until mcii after il ha* reached »•* deiunataoa Tbu* the Beciknar^bt alk*** esen the mon concemed of gemie men Co rc%: *co*rc in the octom ty tfu* ihcc vilued cargo may łrmvl uenv<cMed aixtg ebe *ac* or the Kkndri Banin aod ehe tand% hryood greeted with near-violei dention front mentber* of theTnkle t‘r.Ko Tany utwr-newed by the* bfoad\he<1. A lane Rrrctcr at the *ńe ot the Iwflłpinc Ruikling włw gmc hu ramę a* Bei'1 told thi* reporter tbat Mr. Pwnwd tbould "Moodjr wtO loep hu head elear of thc*e part* if he
Indeed. thn u a greater concern than ner in light of the rcotftt attaek* upoo thov< trwelmg the rtiknp ocar our fair KJendel Rielf. Noce uc *afc froni the nrr-flWuł W*v* of the Vini*her*, ttnpping Jad<* and lord* ci thcir prcoou* valuablc« at gunpomt. Vklk blood ha* yet to be *piHcd tn tbeir «• tacki, they h*vc reccniły begun atkłmg kidnappmg to tbeir l»t of w», and it lecma ooły a muter of oanc bcforc ustury f(t»Av Rather than wait for the pamfully *kw cnachinaeiom of oeher hoiM k»rd* to dc-feod livn and good* fr»>sn these thicro throuth Seratc procedurę. Hou^Trlid ha* itcppcd fooa-ard oikc fcg*n ***ith an ingemou* uduttoa that tako* an *etivt hand m batthng thc*e vilbin«.
.NUlrcs* Hakv.Mkxiuxu.vr. ha* opeocd a ne« Soothing PiAr.Witłiia n* rdacirgatt-erx+.<*pc <*r\ 1md relief fr*« •im*, an*xt*. and cccwcre— lca*ing vsvth j hght hem mJ atoannginnd Ouercpmer vx*at* the pail»x to grvc a de-taikd rrport <4uhx gon cm. A luxurxm* itia**age. *ocet tetfKs and a Seotheren duty C<* ps< a ‘ElBOtaNMl Mawłge" ka*c you fcchng a* s*hk1 on ihc mv>dc a* jw
In thn hamw\n| repon, thrcc wiURKtl tell of the n»ght the»r train w*% retotoed by the Vant*hcr*. One of them t* the tratn enjunccr her*elf, and *be explam* in great detail the gh*ntb ap-pinwo IWntr the fact* for younclf. and *cc *• hy thi* phantom i* too ąuiet. too bright. and too unworldly to be anythmg othet than a forte fr*»m be>v«d Kaper U frcoi the wuitrwry coogure tram di*a*tcr* to dcicrmcnc •* h»ch ń the appamocn’* <»rv-pn, and the dcath li*t* gcw mvght a* to nhat the phan-tom* nury dc*irc ł'xclu*iv< reporting. emly found herc! Rovrv *ide.
My de«r editof. and by oay of wu. my dearc*t reader*-1 iru*i that my mi**nv bod* yóa well and m the po**<*-*>m of a o:utitg car. foe the moedible e\xnt* that trxv*-peed in m> rceent opcnencc may *mke you ^nh meredu* bfy and shock I w# to you