ROSĘ ROI !QUFTa>ntinw<l
ROSF. CAI.YX AND I FAV'FS (backsulc)
l.EAF: With Park Green, (t li 10. 2 tr clustcr in 5th st from hook. cli 3. sl st in clustcr lora picot. Ch st at basc of clustcr) 4 timcs. Ch 5 make a Icaf in 5th st. Sl st one on storn. Ch 5 make a leaf in 5th st. (SI st 4 sts on stem. Ch 5. make a leaf in 5th st) 3 times. Sl st to bottom of ch. I:astcn off. 1 ie a wirc in ihe top leaf then run through thread to bottom of stem. Spray with hair spray. Pry. press with iron. and w rap to stamen wire w ith floral tape.
ROSĘ BUD: MATERIALS: Same as for Rosę. Round 1:Ch 15. Sl st in I4.slst insamech, repeat 4 times = 6 loops. Round 2: * Ch 4. tr in first loop. (ch I. tr). 6 times in same loop. ch 4 fasten with a sl st between loops at base. Repeat • 5 limes. Round 2: Ch I and turn, sl st to center of first loop on front side. ch 3. sl st in 4th ch on loop 2. (ch 3. sc between tr). Repeat 5 times. ch 3 sl sl in top of last tr. ch 3. sl st in center of loop 3. ch 3. sl st in 4th ch on loop 4. (ch 3. sl st between tr), repeat 5 times. Ch 3. sl st in top of last tr. ch 3. sl st in center of loop 5. ch 3. sl st in 4th ch on loop 6. (ch 3. sc between tr). repeat 5 times. Ch 3. sl st in top of last tr. ch 3. sl st in center of loop I. Rowu/ 4: Sl sl to center on back side of loop 2. ch 3, sl st in 4th ch on loop 3. (ch 3. sc between tr's). repeat 5 times. Ch 3. sl st in top of last tr. ch 3. sl st in center of loop 4. ch 3. sl st in 4th ch on loop 5. (ch 3. sc between tr‘s.) repeat 5 3. sl st in top of last tr. ch 3 sl st in center of loop 6. Ch 3, sl st in 4th ch on loop I. (ch 3. sc between tr’s). repeat 5 times. Ch 3. sl st in top of last tr, ch 3. sl st in center of loop 2. Break off. Shape with thuniband forefin-ger. Spray with hair spray. Dry. cut light weight cardboard circle to lit center of flowcr. Punch hole in center, and draw stamens through. Gluc in center of rosę bud.
CAI.YX: Crochct as for Rosę. Gluc to underneath portion of Rosę Bud.
I.FAYFS: Crochct. and linish as for Rosę. Set Rosę and Bud together forcorsage.
In the picture of the Rosę Bouquet show n on the cover. we used seven roses and four buds to make up the bouquet. with one stem of leaves to cach Rosę. I he Caterpillar and Butterfly were mounted to the skirt of the vase w ith a pin. I he si/e ofyarn that you use dictates the si/e of the Roses. I he smaller the yarn. the smaller the Rosę. Insert the Rosę stems into the paper tubes dcscribcd at the end of the cro-chctcd basket. and you have your Rosę Bouquet. Individual Rosę Corsages can be picked from the bouqucl and used to decorate a dress. a pursc. a hal. or as a packagc decoration on a gift for a dear friend.
MATERIAŁ: 3 ply yarn of desired color. Ch, I hdc. I dc. I hdc.and I scin2ndch from hook. 3sc. in cach rcmaining ch*s, break off. Sew 2 whitc Frcnch knots on cach side of head for cycs. Sew a black French knot in center of cach w hite French knot. tie a yarn bow. just back of head. Mount on hair pin.