043 (13)

043 (13)


Słuchanie i mówienie (p. 103)

1    C When someone from this country is in the

line-up, I can get a bit carried owoy.

2    E sense of camoroderie ... fans come together

... feel part ofsomething

3    D amazing athleticism ... howdifficult it is ...

movements are doubly complicated... skill

4    A exhilarating ... take a lot ofrisks

9 a) Suggested Answer

I wouid definitely choose poster 3 to advertise the sports day. It shows three girls taking part in a hurdles race. I think it's the best choice to attract people to the event because it shows an action-packed event in fuli swing and therefore something worth watching. The athletes are wearing vests with their numbers on them, emphasising the competitive element, and this adds a sense of excitement to the event too. I wouldn't choose the second poster as I don't think people wouid be so interested in the preparation of athletes for the sports day. Nor do I like poster 1 all that much; it just shows one person with a medal around his neck enjoying his moment of victory. I don't think it gets people excited the way poster 3 does.

1    Sport is something that people mainly do for enjoyment, and I think because it‘s fun, it’s a good way to get fit or stay fit. That's to say, someone is morę likely to take part in a sport they love regularly than to go to a gym regularly, because thafs much less fun. Sports can help us to keep fit in all kinds of ways. They can make our heart and lungs stronger and make our muscles bigger, for example. People who play sports find it easier to do everyday physical activities like walking up and down stairs, because they are used to using their bodies for things other than sitting on a sofa watching TV. Playing sport can help you to recover from medical problems. Swimming, for example, is good for some back problems, and it‘s also something you can do when you have a sprained wrist or ankle. I believe some light activity is better for an injured body than doing nothing at all. You just need to find a sport that can help you to stay fit while you're injured without making the injury worse. Another way that sports help people to stay fit and healthy is by protecting us from illnesses. A lot of scientific studies have shown that people who take part in sport regularly are less likely to get heart problems and other serious illnesses.

2    No, you don't have to do competitive sport to have a good time. I can immediately think of sports that people enjoy without competing with other people. When ordinary people go skiing and swimming, for example, they don't have to try to be the fastest person in the pool or on the mountain to have fun. People love doing those sports without entering competitions. Exercise makes us feel good, so it's worth doing any sport, even if you never compete with others. There are some sports, however, which are games and need players or teams to try to beat each other, like tennis and basketball. You can enjoy practising


these sports, but in my opinion they become morę enjoyable when you follow the rules and try to score points. You might need to practise a lot before you become good enough to play well at that level, but it's worth it. Sport definitely doesn't have to be competitive to be enjoyable for the participants, though. Watching sport, however, is a different matter. I don't think anyone wouid find it interesting to watch tennis players practise hitting the bali without playing a gamę. I think sport has to be competitive to be enjoyable for sport fans. it's exciting to see two teams or two players trying hard to win a gamę.

3    Sport is quite important in my life. I go running most evenings and I play football every Sunday. I also enjoy cycling and skateboarding. There's a skateboarding area in the park near my house, and my friends and I spend a lot of time there practicing our skateboarding skills, especially in summer. At school we play nearly all of the most popular sports in this country between the autumn and summer, even if we just play some sports in one or two PE lessons. We must do about 15 sports in a school year. I don't enjoy all the sports that our teachers organise for us, but I suppose you have to try things to find out whether they are right for you. I wouldn't have discovered that I enjoy running if hadn't done it at school when I was 10 or 11. My favourite sport at school is volleyball and my least favourite sport at school is hockey. I have a friend who recently told me about a new sport that he's starting playing. It's a bali gamę that people play on skates indoors. I hope to try it soon because he told me it was fantastic.

He's injured himself a few times while playing that sport, so l'd like to buy some protective equipment before I try it.

4    We're very lucky in this area because there are excellent sport facilities. There are several swimming pools, and the one in the city centre is the size of an Olympic swimming pool. Every area of the city has at least one sports club with outdoor sport facilities. Some of them also have facilities for indoor sports and gyms. Every winter, the conditions are perfect for skiing in the mountains nearby. It takes just an hour or two to drive to the skiing areas, and there's an excellent ski life system. Most people who live in this region know how to ski. As this is a Coastal city, it's quite a popular place for sailing and sometimes surfing. The harbour is always fuli of sailing boats, whatever time of year it is. It's also possible to cycle for miles and miles along the coast on a special cycle route. You see people of all ages doing that on sunny days. Personally, I wish there were morę skateboarding facilities. I've been using the same one for years and it's a little boring now. Skateboarding is getting morę and morę popular, so it's likely that morę skateboarding parks will be built here in the next few years.

b) They choose poster 1. It shows an athlete enjoying his moment of glory after winning an event, which sums up what the sports day is about. It wouid also encourage other people to want to take part. Poster 2 is rejected because it is about preparing for


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