Message from Undersecretary of State in the Ministry of Infrastructure, Poland

Ladies and Gentlemen,

It is an honour for me to take the Honorary Patronage of the 9lh International Symposium TransNar 2011 on Marinę Navigation and Safety of Sea Transportation. Nautical science is crucial for maritime safety. It is also very important for me personally, in a view of my present professional position, to support aU the measures and activities which may increase the safety of seafarers and w hole shipping on the world’s oceans. Just recently I had the pleasure to participate in the European Maritime Day 2011 organized in Gdańsk, where safety of navigation was among issues of utmost concern to the participating representatives of Administrations as well as shipping and academic communities.

As I am responsible for the entire maritime economy sector in Poland, maritime safety is among the issues particularly close to my heart, especially that I am not only an Undersecretary of State but also a Master Mariner.

The Maritime Administration in Poland, under my direct guidance, is deeply involved in the process of improving the safety conditions at sea. This process is carried out on three leve/s.

On the national nonconventional level, the Administration is working continuously towards improving the safety of fishing boats, domestic passenger ships and pleasure crafts. This is being done with due attention to the needs and safety of those who enjoy spending their leisure time at sea.

On the European level, we are fully involved into executing robust European maritime safety legał provisions and we follow closely the development of the new European maritime safety law, having our services widely engaged in the process of its imp/ementation.

On the global level, we are an active member of the International Maritime Organization, being engaged in the work of all its Committees and Subcommittees, contributing to many initiatives dedicated to maritime safety and supporting the initiatives of our colleagues from the fellow Member States of the European Union.

Soon after this Symposium, on 1 Juty 2011, Poland will take over the Presidency of the Council of the European Union. It will a period w hen many maritime meetings and conferences linked with Poland ’s Presidency will be held in our country. I would especially like to invite you to the international conference Safe Shipping on the Baltic Sea, which will take place on 23 September 2011 in Gdańsk and will serve as a discussion forum for Maritime Administrations of the Baltic region States as well as shipowners to identify and address the specific problems of Baltic shipping.

I would like to take this opportunity to thank the organizers of the Symposium for their hard work and commitment. 1 am grateful to the speakers who agreed to deliver presentations, and to all the participants for their presence. I wish everybody fruitful discussions and new ideas. I believe that this Symposium will play an important role for frrther deve/opment of new maritime safety initiatives aimed at increasing the level of safety at sea.

Thank you very much for your attention.

Capt. Anna Wypych-Namiotko

Undersecretary of State in the Ministry of Infrastructure, Poland


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