Middle East Sociological

Middle East Political (Contd)

An Arab State In the West Bank Llnked to Zar«al Claiaed aa Clue to Crlala, by Aharon Cohen, 7 pp. HEBRBf, daily, Kol Ha'ąw, Tel-Aviv, 13 Dec 67, p. 4. JPRS 44,030

The "Peeee Party** Veraus the "Greater Iarael Party", by D. Pater, 9 pp.

HEBR2W, newspaper. Kol Ha1aa. Tel Aviv, 13 Dec 67, pp. 3 and 3.

JPRS 44,030

Klkuzda Oppoaea the Labor Court Bill, by Sh. Kikunla, 5 pp.

HKBREW, per, Kol Hkm, 20 Deo 196?, p 2. JPRS 44001    -

Telegraca Deploring Attack on Keir Vilner, 5 PP*

HELRSW, np, Zo Haderekh, 2h Oct 1967, p u.

JPRS 43687

A Personel Vlew of International Polltics, Reyolution, and Freedoo, by Ali-JLsghar Haj Seyyed Javady, 13 pp.

IRANIAN, per, Negin. Nov 1967.

JPRS 43877

Iarael'6 Attitude tovard Araba Discuaaed by Italie 1 CP Newscan, by Augusto Pancoldl,

5 PP*

ITALIAN, np, L»Unlta, 24 Oct 1967, p 3* JPRS 43379

Conditlona in Gaza under Iarael Occupatlcn, by Augusto Pancal di, 5 PP*

ITALIAN, np, fUalta, 29 Oct 1967, p 3* JPRS 43656


Tovarda Joint R*volutlonary Defenaive Poai-tlona, by Lltfl Al-Khaull, 11 pp.

ARABIC, per, Al-TOll'ah, Oct 1967, pp 5-11. JPRB 43496

Starliliatlon for Faclng the Populatlon Esploalon and Coabatting Crlaa, by Dr. Parld Ahaad al-Qedl, 8 pp.

ARABIC, per, al-Jem al-'*». No. 38,

Celro, July 1967, pp. 37-42.

JPRS 43,824

The Iaposslble Crlae and Its Effecte on Public Security, by Sulelman 'Abd al-Hejld, 12 pp. ARABIC, P«» Rl-AW Al-'A—. Ho. 38, Cairo,

July 67, pp. 43-50.

JPRS 43,824

The Crlmee of Importlng and Eaportlng Bank Notes, by Col. Dr. 'Adel Hafed Chanem, • pp. ARABIC, per, aA-Amn al-'Aew, No. 38, Celro,

July 67, pp. 51-56.

JPRS 43,824

Tbe Emergence of the Department of Public Security, by Maj. Zbrahlm al-Fahham, 9 pp.

ARABIC, per, al-Amn al-'A—, No. 38, Cairo,

July 67, pp. 65-70.

JPRS 43,824

Dr Tharwat "Akkaaha Biaoussea Cultural Aotirity, by Ahead Hajati, 8 pp.

ARABIC, per. Rosa aluiMauf. 2? Kot 1967, pp 27-JPRS 44001

Land Reclaaation: Yesterday and Today, 12 pp. ARABIC, per, Al-Ta'bl»ah Al-**»ah vę Al-lhee'1. Cairo, Nov 67, pp. 68-77.

JPRS 44,176

A Study ln the Sooiety of Iraq, by Ali Uardi. ARABIC, bk, A Study in the Society of Irao. Sec,. I pp 11-116, Sect tl, pp 258-370, Chap 6, Intel-lectuality, pp 142-165, Char 9, Religion, pp 222-257.

•ACSI J-4093 ID 2204000268

Puniahroent Schedule Appllcable to Police Force, 9 PP*

ARABIC, np, al Waoa'!^ al rdariyyah. No 208,

21 Oct 1967, pp 2-5*

jpre 43656

The Daily Ki mole of 'TY Journal' and the Adrenturee of a Purchaoe Order, 5 pp, nttCH, por, lIMawUaMd. 14 Deo 1967, p 4.

JPRS 43964

Iarael'e foetwar Ki 11tary Poeltlon Accordlng to Yltachak Rabin, 10 pp.

HIBRW, per,    Tel Aviv, 26 Dec 67,

PP* 5-7.

JftS U, 176

Scbool Bu 11 dl og Progres Dlecloaed, 6 pp. GRJDDC, newapaper, Łlavthtrot Koaot. Athene, • Nor 67, pp* 1, 4*

JW 43,803


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