Mlddle East Polltlcal (Contd)

Middle East Polltlcal (Contd)

JPRS 44,178

An Analytlcal Study of the Conflicta vithin the Soclalist Ca-np, by Afif al-Bizri, 32 PP* ARABIC, np, Ila-al-Amam, 8, 15, 22 & 29 Oct 1967.

JPRS 43724

Th« Arab Bona land and Colonielian, by Afif Bisrl, 9 pp.

ARABIC, newapaper, Ua-al-AMB, Balrut,

19 Kov 67, p. 2.

JPRS 43,860

Tha Arab Honeland and Colonlaliw, Part 11, by Afif Bisrl, 10 pp.

ARABIC, nawapapar, || ja Balrut,

26 Nov 67, p. 3.

JPRS 43,860

Sovlet Aid to Arab Rmrolutionary Struggle Hailed, by Pu'ad Naasar, 5 PP*

ARABIC, np, al-Ittlhad, 27 Oct 1967, p 3*

JPRS U3687

Variouo Decreea Publiahed in the UAR Offlclal Gazette, 5 pp*

ARABIC, per, al-Jorldah al-Raaiaiyyah,

3 Sept 1967, PP 2-3*

JPRS 1*3379

Exodua ani Political Organization, by Or. ttuh armad Anie, 5 PP»

ARABIC, np, Al-Junhuriyyah, 19 Oct 1967, p 5* JPHS 43656 -

Arab Causa Calla for Hcmeland Battle, by Dr. Mihajaoad Ania, 5 pp.

ARABIC, np, aWuahurjyyah. 2 Hovr 1967,

P 7*

JPRS 43543

Th* Soclalist Kapar latnt ln UAR, by Kamei Raf*et, 9 pp.

ARABIC, nawspapar, Al-Juahurlyyah, Calro,

16 Hov 67, p. 7.

J»S 43,803

Arab Bo dali at Krpariasnt Batwaao Intacmetional-iaa «nd BaadtarUata*. by bul Al~Din Klfat,

9 pp.

i^ABIC, par. A^JtwfcMgirrab. 30 Rot 1967, p 7. Jf*3 44001

Addrasa ot Nur Ad-bin Qurreh Bafora tba National Coocraaa, 20 pp.

ARABIC, nawapapar, Al-Jumhurlyyah. Calro,

12 Da« 67, p. 3.

JIM 44,139

°f ColooUU*Bd I«ide ^    <=**". *.• <1. U

AAABIC, par, ąl-Kgiyb. Cairo, No, 79, Oct 67, PP- 2-3. * JPRS 44,177

** J*Ul lł4,»»U' 14 pp.

.ł-fatlb, Calro, 7». Ort 67,

JIRS 44,177

Tha Baala ot Dafaatiat Thlnklng, by Adib Sialtri, 14 pp.

ARABIC, par, ąl-gątlb. Cairo, Ko. 7»,Oct 67, pp. 44-34.

JPRS 44,177

Palostinian Padayoon Kalata Oataila ot Tbeir Pparations *dtdn Iaraal, by Ławra Stredall.

^AMC, par, aLJtaaaimar. 8 Dao 1967, pp 25-26,

JPRS 44001

The Oueation of the Honent: Howt 9 Juna Meana the Continuation of the Soclalist ftovo-lution, by Dr. Muhajuaad Khafif, 8 pp.

ARABIC, per, Al-Tell'ah, Oct 1967, pp 2326. JPRS 43496

The Oueation of tha Honent: Bovt The Denocracy of the Worhlng Poopla in Application, by Dr. 'lana*11 Sabrl 'Abaullah, 27 pp. ARABIC, par, Al-Thli»ah, Oct 1967, op 27-37. JPPS 43496

Tha Oueation of tha Moment: Ho*7 Tuo Prindpnl Obligations Paclng tha Yorkidata, by 'AMul-Mun'am Al-Ghaaeołi, 6 pp.

ARABIC, par, Al-Tall'ah. Oct 1967, pp 38-41. JPRS 43496

Tha Oueation of tha Honent: Hov? Dur Posltioo with Ragard to tha Is^arlaliat laeay, by Ba* ad hhnA| U pp»

ARABIC, par, Al-Tellłeh, Oct 1967, pp 59-64. JPFB 43496


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