
Misccllancous (Contd)


Miscelląneous (Contd)

of the Latrlan SA, by N, Ib 10, Oot 1967.

. Vd1 43.

Scriet Medioal-Treining Appraiaad, 4 pp. mUSUH, nr. frdlUinalcaya imU. 24 Kor I967,

p 1.

JPRS 43707

Second All-Ruaaian Congreaa of N*uropathol-ogiata and Paychlatrlata, by M. Hlrakiy, 5 pp. RUSSIAN, nevapaper, Maditalnakąya Caaatą. Moscow, 22 Dec 67, p. 4.

JPRS 44,046

C-intalncrisatlon And The Ir.tensificatlon Of, ty S. Kanar tir. i Yu 'jUctaylo*'.# 12 pp.

KUSSIA., por, i.orckoy Flot, Ko H, Auj; 196?, pp 39-60.

0U LH 232-63

Fearla of Bistritsa, 3 pp.

RUSSIAN, per, Karodnaya Runanla, July 1966,


DIA LN 1^8-68

Short Account of the Voyae« of SRT "Uekrasoy*1 Dovoted to Experixients on Kigh-Speed Trawling, by V. K. I-aevskil.

RUSSIAN, per, Nauch.-tekh.bv.ill.PIKRO. Vols lć~l7, 1961, pp 63-71.

KIL Reft 9022.15 (1206)

Tho Hydroacoustic Kethod of the Quantitative EatL-nate of Flsh Kumbers ln Dlffuae Fomatlona, by r!i U. Shcherblno.

RUSSIAN, per, Nauch.-tekh.byull.PINRO. Vola 16-17,

1961, pp 76-73.

iiLL Rofi 9022.15 (1209)

Th* Próbl«a of Optlaua Maeealnetlon of tha Raaulta of Sci*ntiflc-Toehnlcal Develop0enta, by C.A. Ukhtln, at al., 7 pp.

RUSSIAN, por, Kauchno-ŁakhrichaakaYt Intoraa aiva. Serlea l, No. 9, Hoacow, 1967, pp. 3-3 JPRS 43,807

Young Oouerntion of Latvian Scientiata, by K. Griuberg, 10 pp.

RISSIAN, per, Nauka 1 Tokhalku. No 7,

July 1X7, PP ló^

JPRS 43353

Th* Aeedanyof Iratobanok, 6 pp msiAN, por,

PP 2-6*

ms 63944

G«n*ral Haating of tha Acedeay of Sclanc*a Ukralnian SSR ln Honor of tha Poundlng of th* Sovlet Ukraina, 6 pp.

RUSSIAN, newapap*r, Pravdą Ukrainy. Klav,

19 Dec. 67, p. 1.

JPRS 44,137

Syntheala of Kurchatoviu», by G.N.Plarov and V.l. Kuzncteov, 22 pp.

RUSSIAN. p*r, Prlroda. No. 11, Moacow,

Nov 67, pp. 35-44.

JPRS 44,045

The Oli Capital Is Recelving Gueata, by K.V. Tkachenko, 7 PP»    ,

RJ881AN, per, Potharooye Delo, No 3, 1967# pp 1-la; 4-5; 10; 22; 30.

DIA LN 357-67

Auturen 1966 in the Northern Kemisphere, ty T. V. Sidocenko & T. B. Fedorova.

RUSSIAN, per, Prlroda. Vol 2, 1967, PP 122-126 MLL Ref1 5828.4f"(7027)

A Uaeful Book. by I. Z* La«w»T.    '

RUSSIAN, per, fcrtooe Kho», Vol 62, Ho 10, 1966,

P 95*

Dapt of Interior

Bum of Oamerol al Fiaheriea

Branoh of forolgn Fi ehadlea

Prospecta of Fishing for Sono Bathypelagic Fiahea in the North Atlantic, ty F. H. Troyanovakli. RUSSIAN, per, Rybno* khozyalątyp, Vol 11, 1966,

PP 4-7.

••LL Rofi 9022.15 (1224)

PiafcMn Speak up,


*0 4, 1967. p _

3*pt of Datorior

Buroaw of Cbaieroial Fiaheriea

Branoh of Fored^i Fiaheriea

u*ta Aro the Baala for Introducing Scientific Orgoaitation of Labor lato Coo-atruction, by L. Ablyatov, 6 pp.

RUSSIAN, per, 8troltel», No 9# 1967, p, 7-8. JPRS 43301

Neture and I^portance of Rood 8lgną and Trafflc Syabola, by 0. Shchillyonow and A.

M1 och*r, 28 pp.

JtJtSIAN, per, Btroltoletvo> Vol 12, Aug-Sept 1967, PP 30-34.

DIA LN 82-68




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