
Econowic (Contd)


Econonic (Contd)

Exploitation of the Holle Potassium Deposlts, 7 PP«

FRBCH, per, Burope France Patre-Mer. Ho 452, Sept 1967, pp 31-33*

JPR6 U3U95

Trade Between Japan and French-Speaking Africa Outllned, 5 pp.

FRENCB, newspaper, Le Moniteur Africaln. Dakar, No. 322, 30 Nor 67, p. 5.

JPRS 44,009

New Sugar Cane Cooperatlwe in Klndla, by Aaadou Ly, 6 pp.

FUKNOI, diily, Horoya.Conakry. 7 Dec 67, pp. 1-2; end Dec 8 67, pp. 1-2.

JPRS 43,868

Econoay Stlll Fraglle Desplta Dewelopment Efforts, 7 pp.

FR2HCB, newspaper, Le Moniteur Africaln, No. 322, Dakar, 30 Hov 67, pp. 6, 8.

JPRS 44,009

Law Setting Up Rwandan Developoent Bank,

13 pp.

FRHICH, per, Journal Offlclel de la Republlgue Rwandalse, Vol 6. Ho 16.15 Aug 1967, pp 299-309.

JPRS 43573

Economlc and Pinanclal Recovary in Congo (Klnsbasa), 6 pp.

FRENCH, np, Le Moniteur Africaln, No. 123, Dakar, 7 Dec 67, pp. 7>8.

JPRS 44,112

West German Aid Policy Towarde Africa, 5 pp. FREMCB, asgazlne, Le Hola en Afrjgue. No. 23, Dakar, Nov 67, pp. 34-38.

JPRS 43,856

Large Imrestments Approved by Algerian Gowern-ment, by K. Bekacea, 5 PP*

FRKNCH, np, BI MoudJshld. 20 Oct 1967,

PP 16 3*

JPRS 43495

Trade Relatlons Between Weat Germany and Africa, by Eva-Marie Bruchhaua, 21 pp.

FRENCB, magaclne, Łe Mola en Afrloue. No. 23, Dakar, Nov 67, pp. 39-59.

JPRS 43,856

Sonaren: National Corporation for Mining Research and Production, 10 pp.

FRKNCH, np, B. Moudjahld. 1 Nov 1967, P 4. JPRS 43569

Data on HouaehOxd Goods, Markęta and Industries in French-Speaking Africa, 8 pp. FRBCH, np, Le Moniteur Africaln, No 316,

19 Oct 1967, PP 11-12*

JPRS 433^2

Bureau of Inductrial Research and Projccts under Minietry of Industry and Ibergy, 5 PP* FRKNCH, np, KL Moudjshld, 1 Rov 1967, p 6. JPRS 43569

Afrlcan Farm Mechanizatlon Laga, 6 pp. FRKNCH, np, Im Moniteur Afrlcan, No 318, 2 Ner.' 1967, pp 10-12.

JPRS 43638

The Annaba Steel Mili in Algeria, 7 PP* FHBCH, np, ^ Maud,^ld. 1 Noweinber 1967, P 2*

JPPB 43569

Crowth of African Processing Industries,

10 pp.

nma, np, U Honltaut Africaln. Dakar, 16 Now 67, pp. 10-12.

JPRS 43,868

Uorker-Managed Enterprises Get Funds, 3 pp. PRBłCa, psr, BI Moudlabfd. 30 Dec 67, pp. 1 and 3.

JPRS 44.141

Progress la Oabooese łcoooay Vlewed aa Faworable,

7 pp.

niwa, —« fct ffrrlT **'*«**■» *>• mi,

Dakar, 23 Now 67, pp. 6 and 9. jns u,009

Bodgtt for 1968 Laaaehes Algar la1s Bcoooalc Growtb, by A.R. Rfeiarl, 6 pp.

PROGB, pat, 11 Hoadlahld. Alglars, 3 Jan 68,

p. 3.

jni u, iii






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