Econowic (Contd)


Economic (Contd)

Khar'kov Plant Iaprovea Stsaa Turbina Deaign, by E. Ye. Fridaan, 12 pp.

RUSSIAN, par, Taploenergctlka, No. 12, Moscow, Dec 67, pp. 2-5.

JPRS 44,013

Fifty-Year Hlstory of Soviet Textlle Induatry, by C. Pikovakiy, 11 pp.

RUSSlaN, Journal, Takstall»nava Pronyah-lennoat. No. 11, Hoscow, Nov 67, pp. 58-64. JPRS 44,142

Distributioo of -xports .ind Inports of the Region by Sea Sesins and tholr Porta, 10 pn,

RUS3IA;:, nor, Trudy, Vol 6, 1 #5. PP 79-^5*

DIA l:: 89-68

Principal Characteristics on the Sea .^ransport, by G. G. Koleanlkoff and E. D. Rudin, 28 pp. RU88IAN, per, Trudy. Vol 6, 1965, pp 5*21.

DIA LN 86-66

Econoaic Aspects of Nonfarrous Ketallurgy Develop-łnent, ty Nlkolay Tinofeyevlch Glushkov, 14 pp, RUSSIAN, par, Tsvatnyye rastaiły. No 10, Oct 1967, pp 13-18,

JPRS 43933

Davelopmant of the Gold-Platinun and Dlanond lndustry, fcy Konstantin Vaail»yevlch Vorob«ysv,

21 pp,

RUSSIAN, par, Tavatnvya natal^y. No 10, Oct 1967, PP 52-61,

JPRS 43933

Soviet Coal Production ln the First Six Montns of 1967, l1* PP*    .    .

RUSSIAN, per, U gol',No 10, Oct 1967, PP 67-71*

JPRS U3607

Rapld Strldas ln Coal lndustry Cltad, by B.F. Bratchanko, 11 pp.

RUSSIAN, par. Ugol*. No. 11, Moscow, 67, pp. 7-12. JWS 44,013

Growth of Tool lndustry Outllned, ty A. I, Koarouaoc, 6 pp,

RUSSIAN, par, Yestnik Maahinostroyenlyi. No 10, Oct 1967, pp 4-7.

JPRS 43670

Analysla of Slberla'a Populatlon and Labor Rasourcas baaad on Kraanoyarakly Kray, by L.A.Shakhaatova, 11 pp.

RUSSIAN, par, Yettnlk Moakovakogo UnWaraltatą. Serlya Ekonoalka. No. 6, Hoscow, Nov-Dac 67, pp. 55-61.

JPRS 43,818

Successes of the Bconomies of Soclalist Countries, by T. Ryabushkin and R. Galatskaya,

16 pp.

RUSSIAN, per, Yestnik Statlstlkl, No 10, 1967, pp 1*8-58.

JPRS 43767

The Devalopment of Industrlal Production ln the USSR and the United States, ty L. Tsyrlln, 13 pp, RUSSIAN, par, Yestnik statlstlkl. No 11, 1967, pp l>21.

JPRS 43894

Probiema of Designing a Naw Inter-Braneh Accounting Balance for the Soviet Econoey (1966), ty H. Eyde^aan, 24 pp,

RUSSIAN, par, Yestnik statlstlkl. No 11, 1967,

PP 22-35.

JPRS 43894

On the Occasion of the 50th Anniversary of the Great Octobcr Revolution - The Conrwniet-Labor Enterprises, 10 pp.

HJSSIAN, per, Yestnik svyatl, Vol XXVII, No 10, Oct 1967.

JPRS 1*3638 .-'rei^ht For The '.l.oicol lndustry - '..'hy Doec It St^.-yl V.*viellvcrcdT, 5 pp. rJUCIA.', np, \'z±x.z- ort. 19 I*y 1966, 16 Amj_ 1966, t5 A; r 1#?, « t-'»,

DiA I 132-68

Developrr«nts ln Soviet Ferrous Fietallurgy Outlined, by A. Gavrllov oni D. Popov, 13 pp. PUSSIAN, per, Yoprosy ekonomiki, No 9,

1967, PP 13-23*

JPRS U3608

Specific Tuska for Doveloplng and Loprovlng the Materiał and Technlcal tote for Cormunlsm, by I. Oleynik, 20 pp.

RJS8IAN, per, Yoprosy Ekonomiki. No 9, 8*pt 1967, pp 120-131.

JPRS U362«*

Posltlve fyaluation of Cooperetlon ln Klectrlo Power Field ln CB4A, by N. Afooln, U pp* RJ88IAN, per, Yoprosy Bconoialkl, No 9, 8ept 1967, PP 132-138.

JPRS 43624


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