Econoraic (Contd)
F.conowic (Contd)
Criteria for Planning Efficlency Evaluated, ty P# Bunich, 23 pp,
RUSSIAN, per, Yoprosy ekonomiki. No 10, Oct 1967, ppJłó-58.
JPRS 63668
Regional Coet And the Market of the Counail of Eoonoodo Mutual Aaaietance, by 0. Tarnoeekiy,
17 PP.
RBSSIAN, per, Yoproey BconodJcl. No 10, Oot 1967,
pp 81-92.
JPRS ^3727
On the Teeks of the NatlonaL-Boonomio OptLem, by i. Agenbegyan, K. Begrlnoyakiy, 8 pp.
RUSSIAN, per, Yoproey Ekonomiki. No 10, Oot 1967,
pp 116-122.
JPRS 63769
The Econoraic and Juridical Aapects of Reapon-sibility, by A. Koshkarev, 6 pp.
RUSSIAN, per, Yoprosy Ekonomiki, No 10,
Oct 1967, pp ll*3-1^5.
Deoand and Long-Range Planning, by V. Netnanov,
6 pp.
RJSS1AN, per, yoprosy Ekonomiki, No 10, Oct 1967, PP 166-lW.
JPRS 1*3636
Propoeale for Raisbg Produotion Łffeotirenesa un a CEWUiAde Soale. by M. Uaiyerioh, V. Shabunina. 19 PP*
ROSSIAN, per, Yoproey gtonomikl, No U, Not 1967,
pp 98-108.
JPRS 63997
Moeoow International Confarneoe on Slgnifioanoe of Ootober Retolution, ty N. Lopokhora, 10 pp. RUSSIAN, per, Yoprosy gconomiki, No 11, Not 1987. pp 166-167.
Production Figures and Location of Autoraotive Industry, 8 pp. , .
RUSSIAN, per, Za rulem, No 10, Oct 1967* PP 16-17. JPRS 63932
Dfevelor.”.snt Cf The City Of ICadiyeykn,
PJ?3SIA*:, par, Zhili-hchr.oye Stroltolstroy. ko 8,
oia l:i 330-/’8 i>vclopnant Of The IndustrialiMtion of*r.tial CcnstrucMon In The Uf’?R, by !:, P>\shkarob* &
C. Szherbo, 19 Pf.
RUSSI/. ., i/iTt Zbilishchnoyo Stroltelstroy, .‘'o 8, i9<7, rr 5-io.
cia U- 330-6*
Kiev Discusses Aspecte of Expansion of Econoraic Cooperation acong Soclaliat Countrles, by M. Bulash and H. Klimko, 3 PP*
HUS8IAN, per, Yoprosy Bconomlkl, No 9, Sept 1967, PP 153-155.
JPRS 63626
Leningrad Sconomiata Analyae Produotion Effec-tiyeness, by A. Stepankov, 10 pp.
RUSSIAN, per, Voproay ekonomiki. No 10, Oct 196?, PP 156-157.
JPRS 63668
I^prowMnte in the Trade Struoture of Sooial ftwiiotlon and Ifceir Iffeottyenow, by L. Berri,
21 pp.
WBStAN. p«“. Yopyoky Bmwlkl. No 11, Not 1967, PP 85-89.
JPRS 63970
Econojoics and Iwproveraeot of Struć tural Systems iu High-Rise Buildings by M. Iyubiroova,
8 pp.
RUSSIAIi, per, Zhilishchnoye Stroitel' stvo.
Ho 8, 1967, PP 20-22.
JPRS 6338I
The Pcrfsct.ior of Traushipnent Technolog in Soviet F^rts, ty'..'. >ljakw, (6 ip.
OJRner, Schlff^yj TccW-. tO, Oot t°67,
rr 572-577.
DIA L. 353-'°
SoTiet laonodet Bolieree Daoemtraliaation of loowwflo Planning Noooaaary fbr Progreaa, ty IJdl OJoetdn Red, 8 pp.
HORMDZAH. per, OrteoUrlm. Ha 39. 6 Hot 1967. PP U Md 16. ma 63768