Economic (Contd)


Econoroic (Contd)

Changes Inatrument-Haking Teohnląues, by V. Bigisher, 6 pp.

RUSSIAN, nEtonomlohaakara gąaeta. Mo 48, Not 1967. p 20.

JPRS 439^7

Naw Liat of Oooupationa Pr ep ar ad, by N. Itrol' akaya, M. Karlora, 6 pp.

RUSSIAN, par. Ekonomiohaakaya Gaseta. No 48, Not

1967. p 27.    -

JPRS 43980

Organlzatlon and Managamant o£ Pure and Applied Science, by Yu. Sheynln, 13 pp.

RUSSIAN, newspaper, Ekonomlche akaya Gareta, Ho. 50, Moacow, Dec 67, pp. 18-19.

JPRS 44,014

Fisheries* Minister Interviewed on Industry Development, by A. Baranov, 12 pp.

RUSSIAN, newspaper, Ekonomlcheakaya Gazeta, No. 50, Moacow, Dec 67, pp. 20-21.

JPRS 44,155














Production Capacitiea Must be Mastered Morę Fully, 5 pp.

RUSSIAN, newspaper, Ekonoalchoakaya Gazeta. No. 49, Moscov, Dec 67, p. 3.

JPRS 44,024

An Interriew With First Deputy Chairaan of tho Council of Ministers Ukralnian SSR, 7 pp. RUSSIAN, newspaper, Ekonomlcheakaya Gazeta,

No. 51, Moscow, Dec 67, pp. 4-5.

JPRS 44,116

The Balance Method of Planning, by P. Krylor,

10 pp.

RUSSIAN, np,. Ekononicheskaya Gałęta, No 49, Dec 1967, pp 10-11.

JPRS 43914

Further lnproveaent in Product Quality Urged, 19 pp.

RUSSIAN, newspaper, Ekonomlcheakaya Gateta. No. 51, Moacow, Dec 67, pp. 24-26.

JPRS 44,116

Industrial Contract Yiolatora Binder Production, by Vasiliy Selyunin, 6 pp.

RUSSIAN, newspaper, Ekonomlcheakaya Gaaetą.

No. 49, Moacow, Dec 67, p. 12.

JPRS 44,012

Conference on Bookkeeping Held in Odessa, by Yu Konatantinov, 10 pp.

RUSSIAN, newapapar, Ekonomicheakaya Gaaetą, No. 49, Moacow, Dac 67, pp. 15-16.

JPRS 44,024

Following the Gor'kly Confarenca, by V. Dykin,

5 pp.

RUSSIAN, newapapar. Hf,oc—<aheakaya Gametą, No.49, Moacow, Dec 67, p. 32.

JPRS 44,011

Conference on the Chemical Industry and ConSumer Cooda, 13 pp.

RUSSIAN, newspaper, Ekonomlcheahąya Gąaatą,

No. 50, Moacow, Dac 67, pp. 6-S.

JPRS 44,011

Tol'yattl Rubber Plant Kaceede Capacity, by N. Tlmehenko, 5 pp.

RUSSIAN, newapapar, Dwoomichaakaya Gameta,

No. 50, Moacow, Dec 67, p. 15.

JPRS 44,156

Diveraion of Engineera and Skilled Workera to Conatruction Uork Decried, by Yaf.

Klenov 6 pp.

RUSSIAN, newspaper, Ekonomlcheakaya Gaaetą,

No. 51, Moscow, Dec 67, p. 32.

JPRS 44,160

Economic Reform and Centralized General State Funda, by P. Vo8il'yev and N. Shirkevlch, 12 pp. RUSSIAN, per, Ekononlchesklye nauki, No

Sept 1967, PP 24-31.

JPRS 43385

Baaea of Regulatlon of Denni and Supply of Popular Conauuptlon Gooda, by A. Iąvin,

12 pp •

HJSSLAN, per, Ekonomlcheakjye Nauki, No 10, Oct 1967, PP 63-70.

JPRS 43653

Coenuniat V« Capitaliat Eoonomio Aohieveaanta, by N, Oparin, 17 pp.

RUSSIAN, par, Ekonomi che aklye Nauki. No 11, 1967»

pp 16-28,

JPRS 43914



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