Economic (Contd)


Economic (Contd)

Benefits to Rural Lithuania Since Soviet Rai o end Need for liore Progress, by Cheslaras Ladukas,

7 pp.

RUSSIAN, per, Konmuniat. No 10, Oct 1957* PP 52-


JPRS 43883

Iaprovanent in Łetvien Realdentlel Conatruction Needed, by Sh. Lyubetakla, 5 pp.

RUSSIAN, per, Yo—unlat. Vil'nyua, No. 10,

Oct 67, pp. 66-70.

JPRS 44,017


Moldavia Developa Integrated Planniog for Industrial Centere, by A. Belyakoy, 7 PP« HJSSIAN, per, Komnunlst Moldayil, No 8,

19o7, PP 75-78.

JPRS 43431

l*proved Taaching of Economica (Irged, by M. Podugol'nikov, 6 pp.

RUSS1AN, per, Koeaomol* akąyą Fr»vda, Moacow,

18 Nov 67, p. 2.

JPRS 44,024

Improying Organization of Machinę Building Production, by B.- V. Ylasoy and D. A. Tobiae,

10 pp.

RUSSIAN, per, Mashlnoatroltel*, No 10, 1967,

pp 26-28.

JPRS 43,73

Induatrial Use of Dieraonds Increasing, by V. N. Baku!', 8 pp.

HJSSIAN, per, Maahinostroltel1, No 10, 1967, pp 29-31.

JPRS 43773

Ekhibition Displaye Machinę Buliding Achieve-nents, by M. Z. Zelikson, 7 pp.

HJS8IAN, per, Mashlnostroltel1 No 10, 1967, pp 37-40.

JPRS 43773

Supply Problems ln the Northeaatern Economic Fayon, by A. Zuyev, 7 PP*

HISSIAN, per, Materiał*no-Technlcheskoyc Snatz-henlye, Nb 9, I967, PP 45-49*

JPRS 43325


jPUS 43771

Production of Forging Eąuipment and Preases, by la. K. Uspenskly, 14 pp,

RUSSIAN, per, Kuznechno-Shtanpovochnove Prolgvodstvo. No 11, Nov 1967, pp 17-22, JPRST3931

Propoaala for UproTing Supply System Edaouaaed, by V. Eyaahita, 11 pp,

RUMIAN, per, Materiał* «>-Tafchnloha HbToT i9*7. pp 9-

Oonpared Interna UonaUy.

Poatwar Period

Problems in Developlng the North, by P. Shvet60v, 5 PP*

HJSSIAN, np, Llteraturnaya Gazeta. 13 Sept 1967, p 2.

JPtó 43325

Aparu.ent Purchaelng through Long-Term Savinge Plan, by Ya. Zhukovakiy, 5 pp.

RUSSIAN, np, Llteraturnaya gazeta. No 46,

15 Nov 1967, p 12.

JPRS 437[t

Rtedara' Raaponaea to Artlcle on Raport of Anti-quaa and Art, by B. Bor&aov, 7 pp.

RUSSIAN, newapapar, tlfratugnaya Caaeu. No. 32, Moacow, 27 Dec 67, pp. 1 and 12.

JPRS 44,024

Developr*nt of Machinę fcullding Outllntd, by K. K. yinogralw, 11 pp.

HJS8IAN, per, Kaahlnoatroltel*. No 10, 1967, pp 5-7.

JPRS 4j773

Deve\op*ent of Machina Tool Production Clted, by A. A. PaJogln, 11 pp.

HJSSIAN, per, MaaMooatroltol*. No 10, 1967, pp 23-25.

JPRS 43773

Further Increaaea ln Steel Production Planned, by V. Laptev, 8 pp.

RUSSIAN, per. Materiał*no-tekhnlchatkoya Snababenlye, No. 10, Moacow, 1967, pp. 33-40. JPRS 43,797

Oo^putera sad Offloe kuipmant Needed in Soppły Work, by V, Lagutkin, 14 pp,

TOSIAH, per, Materiał*

Snabehaniye. NolO,'W/, PP

MS 45771

Sorlet Standard of Liying by P. Tarent* yer, 15 pp, KJSSIAN. per,



Deralopnent of Supply Syatee ln Dieeueeed. by N. Faaolyak, 1* pp. TO8IAN, per, K-*—

I. Hi 10,




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