
to adopt • to benefit • to apply • to ttspond • to guaramee • to havc in mind • to takc advantage • to rcflect • to provKłc

3.    The appcatancc of dtc skin is often due (o such as a wrong diet or health probierni.

4.    This protcctnre cteam will protect yout skin agamie unfavx>urabłe ..................facton such as changcs of temperaturę or wind.

5.    Our..................dients get special discounts, also when they

make use of our package treatmenti

6.    Thete are somc .................. skin problcms wliich are ......

............to the humap eye. That’s whete high-tech deviccs prove *

of help.

7.    The choice of an..................treatment is an..................

part of our woik.

8.    The skin is a vety..................organ so tt needs an............

...... bcauty thetapist to choose, for example, a .................. j

cream which will produce..................effeets.

9.    Rcmember, always apply the cream usuig .................., citcular


10. Even the most..................dtcrapics actually benefit from and

make use of years of cxpcrience and ttadmon

Exercise 5

Complcte tlić scntcnccs with the proper form and tense of the verbs given bdow.

1.    You must tcaltse that our skin..................to the external cnvi-


2.    Don'ł fotgct diat tlie skin also..................what is going on in

our intcmal environment.

3.    Fortunatdy, therc are a lot of ueatmcnis, devices and procedures

that we can..................of to improve the condiuon of your


4.    Thcre is no unwcrsally good treatment for cvcrybody. Our aim is

always to.................. the best carc of the individual ebents


5.    1 think you could..................from treatment with this device

I am going to..................it to tlicie artas of your face whkh

necd stimulation.

6.    Thcrc are a lot of novel6cs in bcauty trcatmcnts all the linie We

are rcady to..................them but they must be well tested and

documented. We don't expcrimem on our clicnts.

7.    We bclieve in customised care We always..................the dient

and her indmduaJ needs. Only such an approach..................

satisfectoty and durable cfTects.


Task 1

Eaplain to a ebent what device you are going to use and why. Ikgin with “Now, I‘tn going to use a skin scanner to (eraluatc your skia Itll show...)” Do the same for the other devke$ specified in the test and/ /or known to you.

Task 2

Talk to yout dient about a dcvice you can use to imptorc the condition of her skin. (The ebent is not in farour of noedties or inechanical dc-vices in skin care).

Task 3

Esptess your opmion about the use of tradiuonal rcmedies and cos-metic high-tcch novdtic* deviscd by cosmeucs companics.

Task 4

Talk about a device that you saw at a bcauty fair ot in a cosmcoc pcriodicaL



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