Australian hi-tech
manufacturer forced
to sell factory to Singapore j
In a shock move, one of Australia’s most successful smali l° delivcr its orcJers on timc. Waiking e|ectronics manufacturers and exporters has been forced to ‘ ™gldl£wUh’ sell all of its factory plant and bulging export order book to an ,he automatic pick-and-placc tnachines entrepreneur in Singapore. Australia has now lost nedrly 70 loading 20,000 electronic components jobs and projected export earnings of over $12 million a year Per hoiir-- plus a very promising centre for true hi-fech manufacturing. de^g°‘eódnl>s,h0'*’n
and had them madę for it by leading by JIM ROWe Silicon foundries like TI, SGS, Hitachi,
NEC and.Thomson-CSF. The chips ar-
In February this year, I visited a com- the USA, Singapore and Europę: most rived in wafer form directly from the pany whose business was the design and of the well-known names, in fact. foundry, and were then bonded directly
manufacture of microprocessor-based The company was very successful, to the firm*s own PC boards using the electronic controllers for domestic appli- and had installed high-capacity auto- very Iktest automatic die bonding and ances — things like irons, toasters, mated production equipment for the la- wire bonding equipment — capable of washing machines, mixers, blenders, test SMD (surface-mounted device) processing 5000 chips per shift. Very coffee makers and so on. The firm’s technology, to achieve the efficiency impressive indeed controllers are used by a majority of the necessary to cotnpete in the worldłs Of course it also had a well-equipped “big name” major appliance makers in mhrkets,. and the throughpiit necessary . laj>, with a staff of highly trained engi-