

posing and bragging for ]>ersonal glorification, yct, when il has been nccessary, I have nevcr hesitated to takc off my coat and cpnvincc certain doubters who havc thrown discredit ttpon my feats and expressed llicir unbeliet about lite records which I have cstablislied front titne to time.

i remember at one time much corrcspondcncc taking place between certain readers of a magazinc callcd "Vim” and a Mr. Donald Dinnie (the renowned Scottish athlcte). who denied my ever having iterfornted the lifts I claimed, and whose contcntion was, I belieye, that I was not heavy enough to do all that I said. To convincc this gentleman, I called on hitn in company with my two brothers, Hermann and Kurt. He had a bar beli weighing about 230 pounds. and he did not seem at all surę that I could lift this with one ltand. It was a very short and awkward bar beli, but I said to Dinnie, “Tic a 50-pound wcight to it.” After this had been donc I pressed the weight (286 pounds in all) with one hand, to the ceident surpri/c of Mr. Dinnie, who immedi-ately was transformed from one of my most severe critics into one of my warmest supporters, and I believe at this moment he would support me as against any man in the world in a wcight-lifting contcst. Later, using the same bar beli with a 56-pound weight tied at each end, 1 raised with one hand from the shoulder, 342 pounds. I bclieve this so surprised Mr. Donald Dinnie that he could hardly speak, and he at once wrote to the magazine withdrawing his prcyious statements, and saying, “He belieyed me to be the best weight-lifter extant.”

At Birmingham, I was confronted with Mr. McCann’s bar beli weighing 222 pounds, and recpiested to try same. Mr. McCann, it will be remembered. is the man who defeated Sandow in a weight-lifting competition sonie years ago. His bar beli



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