

preciscly the same force and effect as if said second arb i trato r has been oppointed by the other porty. In the evcnt that thc two arbitrators fail to appoint a third arbitrator within twenty dąys of the appointment of thc sccond arbitrator. cithcr arbitrator may apply to a Judge of any court of maritimc jurisdiction in thc city abovcmcntioncd for the appointment of a third arbitrator, and the appointment of such arbitrator by such Judge on such application shall have precisely the same force and effect as ii' such arbitrator had becn appointed by thc two arbitrators. Until such time as thc arbitrators finałly close thc hearings cithcr party shall havc the right by written noticc scrved on the arbitrators and on an officcr of thc other party to specify fuither disputes or diftennees under this Charter for hearing and determmation. Awards madę in pursuance to this clause may include costs, including a reasonable allowance for attomeys fces. and judgement may bc cni cred upon any award madc hercundcr in any Court having jurisdiction in thc premises.

25.    SUBLBT. Charterer shall have the right to sublet the Vessel. However, Charterer shall aiways remain responsihle for the ftilfillment of this Charter in all its terms and conditions.

26.    OIL POLLUTION CLAUSE. Owner agrees to participate in Chart erefs program covering oil pollution avoidancc. Such program prohibits dischaige overboard of all oily waler, oily ballast or oil in any form of a persistent naturę, excepl under extreme circumstances whereby the safety of the ves.se 1, cargo or life at sea would be imperiled.

Upon noticc bcing givcn to the Owner that Oil Pollution Avoidance Controls are reąuired, the Owner will instruct thc Master to retain on board thc vcssel all oily residues from Consolidated tank washings, dirty ballast, ctc., in one compartmcnt. aflcr separation of all possiblc water has taken place. All water separated to be discharged overboarcL

If the Charterer requires that demulsifiers shall be used for the separation of oil/water, such demulsiliers shall be obtained by the Owner and paid for by Charterer

The oil residues will be pumped ashorc at thc loading or discharging terminal, either as segregated oil, dirty ballast or co-mingled with cargo as it is possiblc for Charterer* tn arrange If it is necessary to retain the residue nn board co-mingled with nr segregated from the cargo to be loaded, Chartercrs shall pay for any deadfreight so incurred.

The Charterer agrees to pay freight as per the terms of the Charter Party on any Consolidated tank washings, dirty ballast, etc., retained on board under Charterefs instiuctions during the loaded portion of the voyage up to a maximum of 1% of thc total deadweight of thc vessel that could be legalty carried for such voyagc. Any cxtra cxpcnscs incurred by the vesscl at loading or discharging port in pumping ashorc oil residues shall bc for Charter cfs account, and cxtra timc, if any. consumcd for this operation shall count as used laytime.


Shipped in apparent good order and condition by

on board the    Steamship/Motorship

whereof    is Master, at the port of to be dehvered at the port of

or so near thereto as the Vcsscl can safely get, aiways afloat, unto or order on payment of freight at the ratę of

This shipment is carried under and pursuant tn the terms of the contrad/charter dated New York/London

between    and    % as Charterer. and

all the terms whaLsoever of Ihc said contrad/charter excepL the ratę and payment of freight specified therein apply to and govcm thc rights of the parties concemcd in this shipment.

In witness whereof the Master has signed    Bills of Lading

of this tenor and datc, one of which bcing accomplishcd, thc others will bc void.

Dated at    tllis    day uf


This Chaiter Party is a Computer generated copy of the ASBATANKVOY fonn, printed under licence from the Association of Ship Brokcrs & Agcnts (U.S.A). Inc.. using software which is the

copyright of Strategie Software Limited.

It is a prccisc copy of thc original document which can be raodified, amended or added to only by striking out of original charaders, or the insertion of new charaders, such charaders clcariy highlighted by undei lining or use of colour or use of a larger font and maikcd as having been marle by the licensee or end user as appropriate and not by the author.


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