Int roduction
This bibliography has been compiled by the slaff of Informatics Inc. in response to a continuing contractual assignmcnl to monitor currcnt Soviet-bloc developnn*nts in thc? quantum clectrcnics field. Of all materia! reviewcd, thc major yield has been from thc approximately 30 periodicals which are known to report the most advanced and interesling findings in Soviet laser technology.
The period covered is the third quartcr of 1974. and includos all significant laser-related articles rcccived by us during that interval.
The structure and selection criteria are basically those used in the prereding reports.
For conveniencc we havc abbreviated frequently cited source names; a sourcc abbrcviation list and an author index are includcd. Unlcss indicated by a parenthesized (R7.h, KL) notation, all cited sourcds are available at Informatics Inc. The numbers in parentheses following the authors' names in the text refer to the Cumulative Affiliations List which includes all author affiliations from 1969 to the prescnt.
Acknowledgement is due to thc consultant effort of Mr. Yuri Ksander of the Rand Corporation for assistancc in selection and structure of the materiał.
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