Mr. J. Pokorny. These maps have been constructed by the staff of the Chair of Physical Geography U. J. by order of the Urban Planning Bureau (W.A.N.B). Furthermore, a paper The significance of geomorpho-logical research for the establishment of trends of areał development in Kraków and its surrounding zonę’ by Mr. Z. Karakiewicz was read by Mr. Juchnowski.
The discussion was followed by a scientific excursion to Kraków — Prokocim — Podgórze — Borek Fałęcki — Nowa Huta — Wawel — Bielany — Mydlniki — Kraków which was lead by geomorphologists (Miss M. Tyczyńska, Mr. J. Pokorny) and by the local planning autho-rities (Mr. J. Bogdanowski, Mrs. H. Kozłowska, Mr. J. S u 1 i m-s k i). Special attention was paid to the geomorphological problems of this region. The geomorphological-improvement maps were shown in the field and their usefulness for planning purposes proved.
5 May. Whole-day session at which a lecture (‘La cartographie geomorphologiąue en Belgiąue’) was read by Professor F. Gullentops; geomorphological maps were reviewed (Table) and problems concerning the conception and principles of construction of the detailed geomorphological map (see: Introduction) were presented by Professor M. Klimaszewski to be followed by a whole-day discussion. At noon the Partici-pants attended a reception sponsored by the rector of the Jagiellonian University in the medieval Collegium Maius and in the eyening — in the Institute of Geography U.J.
6 M a y. A whole-day excursion to the Upper Silesian Industrial District (route: Kraków — Brzozowica — Będzin — St. Dorothy Mt. — Katowice — Olkusz — Ojców — Kraków) was arranged by Miss Dr. S. Gilewska and Mr. J. Pokorny. The excursion gave a view of the manifold geomorphological problems of the Silesian and Kraków Upland and the way in which they are shown on the geomorphological map of the Upper Silesian Industrial District published on the scalę of 1 :50,000 (karstic features-mogotes, escarpments due to denudation, tectonic escarp-ments, riverine terraces, dunes, changes in the natural geographical en-vironment due to industrialization). Upon the return to Kraków a paper (‘Quelques exemples des cartes en pays semi-aride nord-africain’) was presented by Professor J. Dresch, and the discussion continued.
7 May. The Conference Members attended an excursion by bus to the Bieszczady Mtns. (East Carpathians) through Tarnów — Lesko to Myczkowce. The aim of the excursion which-was lead by Dr. L. Star-k e 1 was to discuss the geomorphological problems of the Bieszczady Mtns. and the way in which they were represented on the geomorphological map-sheet Lesko published on the scalę of 1 : 50,000 (Structural and denudative relief, development of river valleys, slope modelling in the Quaternary, morphogenetic role played by recent processes). This map was confronted with the landforms in the field. Furthermore, the planning authorities in Rzeszów (Mr. K. Brydak, Mr. J. P 1 a s k a c z) talked about the use madę of the geomorphological map of this region in the plan for economic development of the Bieszczady Mtns.
8. May. The excursion continued through the Bieszczady Mtns. (where suffosional forms were demonstrated by Dr. Z. Czeppe) Krosno — Nowy Sącz (problem of the high Mindel accumulation in the Dunajec valley, Quaternary terraces) Krościenko — Nowy Targ to Zakopane.