USSR 148

USSR 148

m -20

S -10000 n-0.5-0*7

kg -4600 kg -8000

kgm -550

The apparatus for the standard pene-tratlon test has not been widely used*

It is used only by some organizations for the determlning of the density of sands above ground water level and for the oomparison of the results of soun-ding with the o one and the split spoon sampler*

Por static sounding several types of apparatus are used* According to the Instructlon on penetratlon testing the cone for statio sounding Is to meet the following roąulrementss    2

base diameter - 36 mm (aroa 10 cm! ) the apex angle -60°

The descrlption of the two modern statio sounding apparatus is given below The rlg SB-59» developed by the ins-titute "Fundamentprojeot” is mounted on the self-propelled track chassis T-16 M (Fig*2)* and oonsists of ths following recording (in the form of the graphs) these two yalues*

The deyice tac screwing an anohor pile is driyen by the main engine of the track* The sounding tubę is sunk through the central hollow of the anohor pile*


Depth of sounding up to Marimua driving force Ratę of penetratlon Masimum point load MaTimum skin friotion load

Mazimuin tor Sion moment for screwing the pile

The rig S-832, deyeloped by the insti-tute HTIpromstroy* is mounted on a truck (PLg*5)» It oonsists of the sounding tubę* the guide with a hydraulic cylinder

Pig*2. Static sounding apparatus -SB-59

Tnąjn elements* the sounding tubo. the driYlng mechanism, measuring deyice and the mechanism for screwing an anchor pile (one pile)*

The sounding tubę oonsists of the set of Steel tubes I m longf 36 mm 0*D. 9 the rods 18 mm in diameter and the tip with the o one of the area of 10 om2 (36 mm in diameter9 the apex angle 60°)•

The driying meohanism oonsists of the hydraulic jaok and the special deyice through whioh the sounding tubę is push-ing down* The speoial deyice makes it possible to measure simultaneously and continuously the point resistance and the skin friotion separately*

The measuring system includes two usual pressure gauges for the determi-ning of the point resistance and the skin friotion and two electric differen-tial pressure gauges for the automatic

for pressing in the sounding tube9 the recording deyice and the mechanism for screwing anohor piles (2 piles)*

The sounding tubę is 34mm O.D* and has the cone of 10 cm2 of area (36 mm in diameter* the apex angle 60<>; and the sleeye located aboye the cone for measu-zdng the local friotion of the soil* The aide area of the sleeye is 350 cm2#

The guide with the hydraulic iack is put in working position hydraulicly*

The rod of the jack is hollow to let the sounding tubę to pass through* The stroke of the rod of the Jack is 1 m* Lifting and lowering of the guide, pressing in an pulling out the sounding tube9 screwing and unscrewing anchor piles are madę by the operator from oontrol panel*

The point resistance and the skin frlc-tion on the sleeye are recarded automa-


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