
Western Europę Economic (Contd)

iiew Forn of Organization for the !!orwegian Jtate HS#

U0TC35IA)*, j)cr, Vert Yrke. 1967# pp 30-33.

DIA Ul 97-68

One Thousand Tons of Raw iaterials a Day, 22 pp, iiORjiOiA:.’, per, Vart Yrku. 196?, p VT\ U: 97-60

Electric Power In S-^pansion, 60 np, FORr^l^SL, per, Sina; - ŁlcctrlcA o

1966, j.F u-60,    --

2IA L.: 331-62


Daaish Coour.ist Upholds Soviet International Linę, by Jorgen Nyeng, 6 pp.

DaNISH, per, Tlden, No 6, 1967, pp I32-I36. JPRS 4366/

Revi8ioai3ć Policy of Netherlanda CP, 5 pp. OJPCH, per, De Komunist. No 2, Sept 1967,

pp 2 Ł 3.

JPRS 43637

A Dutch Viev of the Midcue Eaat Problem, by J. deBoo, 11 pp.

EUIUH, per, Politiek en Cultuur, No 8-9, Aug-Sept I967, PP 407-417uPRS 43361

Kenk Kockscra Speech on Octcber Revolution,

5 P?*    o

IUICH, np, De •■yąarhcid, 8 No*/ 1967, PP 1-2. JPRS 43687

Dev-lopnent of Finniah Workera' Mover*nt Traced, 8 pp.

FINNISH, np, Kinsan Uutiset, 15 Nov 1967 JPRS 43037

Probierni of rc?*s New Fiogrem Kajał nad. by VtUe Paaai, 9 pp. rilWlSa, dally navapapar. Kwa Putleet. Halalnkl, 21 Nov 67, pp. 4 and 3.

JPRS 43,040

Western Europę Political (Contd)

VIIle Peael Di ecu a ae a Diffarancea Within FCP, U PP-

FINNISH, dally newepaper, Kanaan lutiaet, Halalnkl. 10 Dec 67, pp. 4 and 5.

JPRS 43.940

SOŁ Adopte New Program Durlng Eighth Congreaa, by Almo Haapanen, 5 pp.

FINNISH, monthly, Kounletl. Hclalnkl,

Ho. 6-7, 1967, pp. 218-220.

JPRS 43,847

Structurcl Reforma In Finniah CP Propoaed, by KlUael Romberg, 9 pp.

FINNISH, monthly, Kommuniatl, No. 6-7,1967, Halalnkl, pp. 235-241.

JPRS 43,940

Belgian CP Congreaa Sutea 1968 ObJectlvaa,

5 pp.

FRENCH, newepaper, Le Drapeau Rouge. No. 51, Bruasela, 22 Dec 67, p. 16.

JPRS 44,178

Rochet Speech at Sixth Week of >5arxi8t Ihought, 15 pp.

FRENCH, np, L^uaanlte, 22 Nov 1967, p 4.

JPRS 43687

Flrat Congreaa of Marmlat-Lenlnlet CP of France, 9 pp.

FRENCH, wcekly, L1 Humań 1 ta NouyęlU. Vol 3,

No. 83, Perle 4 Jan 68, pp. 3 and 196.

JPRS 44,178

French CP Asseaaee Ita Developnent, by Alain Duhar.*!, 5 pp,

FRENCH, np, Le Monde, I9/2O Nov 1967, p 8. JPRS 43687

Marek Lecture Discuasea Futurę of Marxiam, by Frań* Marek, U pp.

GERMAN, per, Węg ucd Ziel, Vol 24, No 9,

Sept 1967, pp 414-421.

JPRS 43361

Italian Saya Modern Revi$ioniata Inconeietent, by A.R., 5 PP»

ITALIAN, per, Nuova Unita. No 42, 26 Oct

1967, P 3.

JPRS 43361

:v ^: <**%>*.

Finniah View on Atulnamt of SocUliae Ai*t. by Kalle Klwlato, 7 pp.

FINNISH, dally, Kgnagn Uutleet. Halalnkl, 23 Hov 67, pp. 7-8.

J?U 43,847

Itallar. ConaUere Lenin*• Work Still Valid, by Lido Hogri, 47 pp.

ITALIAN, per, Próbie;! Ael Socialinao.

Vol 9. No 22, Sept 1967, pp 1058-1094.

JPRS Ł3687



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