Afpendix F
ORDINANCES of 1528 (ot the GmitmtdUns* of Córdoba. Frem che capy nudę u Toledo on 4ih March 1529 and now preserod amongsr che Munidpal Arehim m Cdcdob* TownHJL
We che Coimril ofjuuice and adminimadon of che mon noble and mon loyal City of Cósdoba nich to idom yoo, Mayors and Bailifls, men of junkc of dm atf. Agmimtdetu and al odm penom whom this scripc nuy conccrn, chat having becn infbrmcd that in cliis city, latcly and up ta dac ptactu. paiamakĄ havc becn nudę, and aic Mili bcing madę, my badły, in tmal um, poor in qtuUty and colom, and lacktng thc pesfation with which they wctc onct madę, and ai thic bas cauicd and is scali causinggrcat harm co thc presuge and icputauon of the said city and patbculady chat area where che operne, THEREFORE we command them to
obsetw the fbllowingregplations which havc becn approved by Thdr Majesties NAMELY:
DON CARLOS by the grace of Cod King of the Romans and Supremę Emperor; aho Ha Royal Highncss Donna Juana his Mocher, and che same Don Catloa, abo by che grace of Cod jaśndy King and Quetn of Casnlc, of Leon, of Aragon, of the two Sicflics, of Jaurakgy. of Navant, of Granada, of Toledo, of Yalencia, of Galkia, of Mallorca, of Scvillc. Of Córdoba, of Muicia, of Jacn dc Im Ałganrts, of Algcdns, of Gibraltar, of the Cacury hiands, ofthe Indian Idands and the continenc. ofthe Sca and the Ocean, counn of Batcdona. loeds of Yiaeaya and Motinj, duka of Atheni and of Ncopatria. counts of Rotcllon and of Gadania. cnarqtKftet of Otinano and of Coęiano. archdukes of Austria, duka of Botgona andof Brabamr. odums ofthe Lew Conntrics and of che Tirol etc. t WHEREFOR1: as on bchalf of the Goadl of Joniec of the City of Córdoba a petirion has becn placcd beforc Ui stauog that in the said City mach jodami had becn madę, and that in order co sccurc greaccr
nudę by nwing ihm
* Mlłrn of gflt leniwi butngi Sec notę j, pop 15.
indhiduil pioon. os penJr. of joMiort Wnhct (rom uhieb hsngjnss