woulri accounl for the numbcr of left-hand burns). 1 doubt very much if thc slight diffcrcnce łn path length lietwecn lcfl and right hand to thc hcart (no diffcrcnco in path to thc hrainl through a good conductor such as thc blood strcam would make any diffcrcnce in mortality. I woidd cer-tainly not advise a left-handcd person to use his awkward right hand on pos-sibly hot circuits on the basis of this conccpt. Instead. I prefcr to empha-sizc cautious placemcnt of unwatchcd body members such as head, elhows. fcet. and frce hand.
Richard A. Wall Motorola. Inc.
Systems Research Lab. Riccrside, California
We hare been steamped with re-i/uests for additional copies of the article on elcctrical shock. Reprint* of the artirle are arailable from the Bditorial Dejnirtment of Electronics World, One Park Arenne. New York Id. New York at u cost of $.15 each.
Many of our readers have supplied us with additional interesting fucts on thc subject, sonie of irhich are inctuded in the letter altore.—Editors.
* * •
To thc Editors:
Your cditorial in April mado sonie interesting points ahout the TV serv-iceman. You can well imagine the pmhlcms when you want hi-fi cquip-ment repaired in a fairly smali city.
I would suggest that both TV and high-fidelity service technicians should havo adequatc training and they should display any diplomas, licenses. or qualifying certifieates in much the same way as a doctor or a dentist (loes.
Geokge Sta mm Aurora. Illinois
We sympathize with your problems in obtaining skilled repairs on your hi-fi and other electronie eguipment and in craluating thc quulifications of tlie technicians who nwy be doing the icork. We do run materiał from time to time on hi-fi problemu and repairs and expect to run morę in thc futurę.
Concerning your difficulty in eraluating electronić technicians. many re-sponsible members of the serrice pro-fession are equa11y conccrned. A large nnml>er of serrice associations through-out the country hare been sponsoring rarious types of licensing and certifi-cation legislation in their local com-munities and states. These proposed laws would fix minimum technical gualifications, sometimes by actual testu for elect ronić serrice people, and also fix minimum eguipment reguire-ments for shops. We understund that such bills are now being considered by thc Illinois State Legislature.—Editors. • * *
To the Editors:
Refer to **Mac’s Service Shop” in your July issue. We herc at Bainbridge are taught that the only voltage and current checks to be madę when serv-
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