

Eastem Europę F.conomic (Contd)

F.astem Europę Economic (Contd)

Sumary of Rumanian Machinę Bullding Induatry Achiaveaenta and Taaka, by Mlhal Marineacu,

5 pp.

RUMANIAN, newapaper, Yjątą Econouica, Vol 5, No. 49, Buchareat, 8 Dec 67, pp. 8-9.

JPRS 44,055

The Syataa for Inaurance of Property and Peraona, by Milan Bajlc, 13 pp. SERBC-CROATIAN, per, Juaoaioyenakl. Pr— 1. Belgrade, No. 7*8, Juty-Auguat, 1967, pp, 333-336.

JPRS 43,867

Buaineaa Conditiona in 1968,6 pp.

SERBIAN, weekly, Ekonoaaka Polltika, Belgrade, 23 Dec 67, pp. 1582, 1587.

JPRS 44,170

Devclopnent of Tourlsr., by Alois OprcUlski A i.iroslav Sebcsta, 31 pp.

^DO-GRaATIAN, per, Poprąva, 196?, pp U5-H9, PIA LII 135-68

Europo ar. blconorlc Comnission (SHK), SSRBO-CROATIAi:, per, Poprąva. 1967, pp 115-119; 150-156,

PIA LII 135-6P

Irternational Rolotior.s in Trarsportation. SEP.3O-CR0ATIA::, per, Donrłtyą. 1967, np 115-119; 150-156.

pia u: 135-66

Ezpcrioncc 4 Futuro Prospcets In Using New Transportation Kethod3.

SERDO-CRCATIAU, per, Poprayą, 1967, pp 115-119* 150-156.

PIA LU 135-68

Moveaent of the Yugoalav Econoey in the Eirat Two Yeara of the Refom, 90 pp.

SERBO-CROATIAN, nonograph, No. 34 of the Studlea, Anąlyaea and Syrwaya Serlea. Union Stat iatica Inatitute, Belgrade, 1967, pp. 2-65.

JPRS 44,015

The Volume and Strućturę of Private Inveet-nenta in Agriculture, by Doctor Obren Blago-Jevic, 10 pp.

SEREO-CROATIAN, per, Ekonomika PoUoprlvrede,

No 10, Oct 1967, pp 817-^25    -

JP.3 l*3U05

Houaing Conatruction ln YUgoelavia, by Miloa Jaric, 6 pp.

SERBO-CROATIAN, per, Imradnja, 1967, PP 3-7 JPRB U3617

The Syatea of Prlce Pomation and Soclal Price Control, by Ikiaan Vukovic, 10 pp. SERBO-CROATIAN, Journal, Juttoalovanakl Prealed. No. 9, Belgrade, Sept. 67, pp. 359-362.

JPRS 43,867

The Production Program of the Pancevo Petroleum Refinery, by Cvetko Markovic, 8 pp. SERBO-CROATIAN, per, Kcmlja u Iniuatrijl,

Vol 16, No 10, Oct 1967, pp 539-5^1*

JPRS 1*361*3

Housing Conatruction and Econoadc Tranda in 1967, fcy Stojka Milojeric, 7 pp.

SERBO-CROATIAN, per, Koouna, No 10, 1967, pp 12-15. JPRS 43396

Tendency of Decreaae in Coal Production and Conaumption, ty Radailo Protic, 23 pp. SERBO-CROATIAN, per. Nafta. Vol 18, No 8, Aug 1967, PP 352-359.

JPRS 43895

The Sisak Petroleum Refinery, 1957-1967, by Toraislay Herceg A Petar Pajagic, 14 pp. SERBO-CROATIAN, per, Nafta. No 9, Sept 1967. pp 361-388.

JPRS 43920

The 1968 Budget for Ytigoalav National Defenaa, by Col.-General Nikola Ljubicic, 11 pp. SERBO-CROATIAN, newapaper, Naród na Amiją.

Belgrade, 8 Dec 67, p. 3.

JPRS 44,058

The Preaent System of Foreign-Trade Regułation in Yugoslavia, by Pr. Maden Sretenovic,

7 PP-

SERBO-CROATIAN, per, Nova Irgorlna. No 9,

Sept 1967, pp 418-421.

JPRS 43784

Prereqol«ŁUe Created for Real1ling Refom ln Honteeegro, 10 pp.

aroo-c»Amii, per,_

1967. p 9l 7 Deo 1967, p JPRS 44007

6 Deo



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