Eastem Europę political

Hastom Europę Econosiic (Contd)

3aaa-a»ATiiłi, por 1967, p 9l 12 Doo 1 JPRS 44007

Chotbers — i Fon and ficpreaeion of the Salf-Orgi.aliatlon of tho Eoonoay, 15 pp.

9 Doo

Unity Baaed on the Principia o£ Manciao-Lonlnlaa Ton Yoare Since tho 1957 Moocow Conflerence, 9 pp.

BUŁGARIA*, por, Hooo yrego, Mo. li, Mov 67 pp. 12-19, Sofia.

JPRS 43,780

The Plenum of the City Partv Coomitteee, by Yaail Dimitrov and Oulub Yladoy, 7 PP* BULGARIAN, per, Partien thivot. No 14,

Oct 1967, PP 47-51*

JPHB 43520

Tho Taxation ot Independent Innkooporo and Bouae-holdo whlch offor Houelng and Food Sorrlooe to dtiaena, by M. DJurbablo, 13 pp.

«H*3 43757

YugOBlav Production of Pesticidee, 1964-1966, by Petar Mikic, 7 PP*

8ERBO-CROATIAN, per, Tehnlka. No 11, Nov 1967, pp 1978-1930.

JPRS 43644

Transportation Heaauroo Recoonended for 1968, by Łjuboair Jankovic, 8 pp. SERBO-CROATiAM, per. Transport, Belgrade, No. 11, Nov 67, pp. 5-8.

JPRS 44,140

The Varaa Okrug Party Univereity, by Angel Zotev, 7 pp.

BULG ARIAN, per, Partien zhlyot, No 14,

Oct 1967, PP 74-78.

JPRS 43520

Adainlstratlve Ław and Ouarantooing tho Rlghts and Intoroste of Citiaone and Organisatione, by Docent Ivan Beraendchlev, 8 pp.

BULGARlAN, por, Prąvna Hieul, Sofia, Mo. 4 (Juiy-August) 1967, pp. 70-74.

JPRS 43,832

Measures to Intenslfy OperatIng Condltlons in Rallroad Transportation, by Dr. DJordJe Jovan-ovic, 7 pp.

SERBO-CROATIAN, por, Transport, Belgrade,

No. 11, Sept 67, pp. 20-23.

JPRS 44,140

Economic Resuits Achieved in 1966 by the Celluloee and Paper Induetry, by Alekeandar Zdravkovlc, 13 pp.

SKRBO-CROATIAN, per, Yeanik Jugoeloyenske inyesticlono bankę, Sept I967, pp 10-i5. JPRS

The Policy on Interest Rates in Cocnercial Banka, by I. Apostoloylc, 9 pp. SKRBO-CROATIAN, por, Yeanik Jugoeloyenaka inveaticione banko, 8ept 1967. pp 15-1$.


Tho Capital larsotmnt Projoot Dopartmnt for tho Conatnotlen and Hodsmliation ot Lin 00 of tho TMgoolar Jfcllroada, by Branko Bulo, 21 pp. 9Mno*OGUUM, par, loloanloo. Mo 10, Oot 1967, pp )MI»

JPW 43728

Czech Dlecuoaee Role of Yugoslav Conuiuniet Union, by Jan Lipavsky, 8 pp.

C23CH, per, Literami Novlny, No 45,

U Nov 1967, PP 8-9*

JPRS 43687

Tho Antloonsunist Apparstus of tho United States, by Otoaar Corrsnka, 10 pp.

CZECH, por. Mora Kral. No 24, 28 Hor 1967, PP 24.

JPRS 44005

The Path Tbward IAnlting tho Naoloar Throat, ty Thomas Labo da, 15 pp.

CZECH, par, Moya Kril. No 25. 12 Doo 1967. pp 18-23.

JPRS 43991

Problem of the Neweworthlneee of the Proae, by Adolf Hrmdecky, 6 pp.

CZ3CE, por, Reporter, No 19, 22 8ept-6 Oct

1967, PP 4-5.

JPHB 43570

DevelopMQt of World Viow Tbrougb Penily Traialng, by Zdoook Raima, 7 pp.

CZECH, np, Rudo Fravo. Prago*, 26 Oct aad 9 Hov 67, p. 3.

JIM 43,780



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