Economlc (Contd)


Econonic (Contd)

Lrrel ln PlnnnAd RelatiOŁabipe, by

JPRS 43769

Flnanoe and Credit At the Serrioe of Soolallfa, by V. D'y»chenko, 8 pp ROSS LAN» pw, 50 Lei V.

i rr

Th* Eoonoaio Reform — A UtilliAtion of Mcnay-0. Kosyachenko, 20 pp. ROSSIAN, p*r,

Soviet Oold Mining ln Kolyma, by Ye. MannoharoTa,

7 PP

RUSSIAN, .nIirerttya. 7 Dao 1967. p. 2.

JPRS 43980

Territorial DLsplaoemaaU ln the UtUlsatlon ot DS3R Natural Reaonroea ln the Soriet Period. by I. 7. Komat, 22 pp.

RUMIAN, por,

Seriyg    r9

V i

1. pp


Methods of Raising the Effectiveness of Capital Construction, by A. Vozyakov, 10 pp. H»SSIA*N, per, Flnanoy SSSR, No 8, 1967,



JPHS 1*3540

t 1967, pp !-»•

Th» Eoooosdo Reform ln Adtloe, by V. flreor, 34 pp. REBSliN. per, 30 L* Yelltay Cfctyabr1 Akoy goUljfallatlohAAkoy RęyoIygUii. PP 51-60.

FlnAnoA And a Rio* ln tho Prosperity of the Workere, by V. Kullkoy, 16 pp.



jras 4375I

Flfty leera of Śoviet Power ln th# OabAk SSR, by V. MurAtkhodsbAywT, 6 pp.

ROSSIAN, PAr, 50 Lot V%Ukoy Oictybr'Akqr

____ RATolrutAll, PP 83-86.


Tho Tru# Jlcwerlng of Soelet Georgia, by A. ChlPAkadiA, 8 pp.

RUSSŁN, pat,

Karakh Minister of Nonferrous He ta 11 nr gy Report* on Industry Progress during Sovlet Rule, by V. G. Beress, 14 pp

RJ88IAR, per, Oonąyy iły-irnal, No 10, 1967,

PP 3*7.

JPRB U3519

Enterprise Locatlon Detemines Effectivoneaa, by Ł. 8hinkarev, 8 pp.

RJ38IAN, ap, Ityestlya. 15 Nov 1967, p 3. JPR6 1*5776

Locatlng Soviet Industry ln 1966-1970, by N. T. Agafenoy, 16 pp.

RUSS1AM, per, Isvestiy« Vsesoyułnogo Geograf lcheakoąo Obsbcheatyą. Vol. 99, No. 5, Leningrad, Sepc-Oct 67, pp. 410-419.

JPRS 43,843

Achievemente of Light Industry under 8oviet Power, by V, D. Kikhaylov, 11 pp.

RUS8IAN, per, Izyestlya Vy8sbjkh Uchebnykh 2avedeniy; Technologiya Legkoy Proigyshlennosti *2J>, 1967, PP 5-lS.

Contrlbutlon of Nltrogen Industry to National Econooy, by K.K.Kll'shtedt and M.1. Ryaboy,

12 pp.

RUSSIAN, per, Khlmlchtskaya Propyahlennost.

No. 11, Moscow 67, pp. 23-28.

JPRS 44,110

• •


Developnent of Chaaioal Piber Industry ln USSR, by Ye. P. Ivanova, 11 pp,

RUSSIAN, per, Khlalchoskjye Valokna. No 5, 196?, PP 4-9.

JPRS 43663

Conoerning the Construotlon of Chwal cal Piber Planu, ty L. K, Shlfrir., 10 pp,

RUS^* P*r» IMMgfaAłkjye YoloknA, No 5, 196/, pp 37-42.

JPRS 43663

Chemical and Petroleum Machinęry Manufacture on the 50th Anniversary of the Oreat October Reyolutloo, by K. I. Brekhov, 8 pp.

RUMIAN, per,


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