Mllitery (Contd)


Mllłtary (Contd)

The Combat Exa*ination Mas Be on Passed, 11 pp. RUSSIAN, np, lzvestiya, No 232, 1 Oct 1967.

DIA IN 314-68

Fi-oci Cawalry Armie s to Tank Diviaions, by V. Anfiloy, 5 op.

RUSSIAN, np, Łrteneya Zyezda. 22 Aug 196?, p 2. JPRS 43669

Haneuver ln Coablaed-Ame Coabet, by HaJ. Gen. Yu. Z. Nowikov, 5 pp,

RUSSIAN, bk, Manevr v Obehchevovakovoa Boyu. Moacov, Kil1tary Pubiiehing Bouaa, Minlatry of Dafanae, 1967, pp. 2-3; 134-136. JPRS 43,793

The Trenching Machinę D-524, by A. A. Kawalerów, 5 PP*

WS8IAN, per, Strptte^anrc 1 No 6, 1967, PP 32-31**

AC8I J-3845 ID 2204056567

SoYiet Rookat Troope, by P. T. AataahankoT. RUSSIAN, bk, Sowataklye Rakatgyya Yoyaka. 1967 pp 1-344.


Fundeaentela of Oparatlonal Raaaaroh in Mili tezy Itagiaeering, by IU. V. Omyar.

i?65- »*»•

Bulgarlan Loading Machines.

MJSSIAN, per, Mekhanlzatslya 1 Aytomatlzatsiya Prolzwodstwa. No 6, 1967, PP 46-50.

ACSI J-3682 ID 2204057767

A bnoit Cutlinę of thc Dcwelopment of Rocket Research in the USSR, by V. N. Sokolskiy, 3S pp. RUSSIAN, per, Akad. Nauk SSSK. Trudy Inst. Istorii Estestvovedeniya i Tekhniki, Vol JJ, l96d.

c‘ hrś TT - 1T-ST-i' i 3l &-

Radio '.ferfare, by A. I. Polly, 190 pp.

RUSSIAN, bk, -illtnry Pres; Undcr The Ilinlstry of flofcnse Of The K.S.S.R.. 1363. dia T&Ze?

Guarding the Achieves»enta of the Great October, by S. G. Gorehkoy, 12 pp.

H1SSIAN, per, Morskoy gbomlk. No 10, Oct

1967, PP 3-15*

JPRS 43553

Sovlet Rockac-Bullding, by B.V.Shipov, 3 pp. RUSSIAN, bk, Otachaatyannoya Rąkatoatroyanlyt. Hoscow, HU i tary Publiahing Houaa, Hlniatry of Dafenoa, 1967, pp. 104-107,108-110.

JPRS 43,793 50th Aaniwarsary of tha Soviat State, by A. Tapiahar, 21 pp.

RUSSIAN, par, Yoyenno-latortob—tty Zhuwl.

No io, 1967, nJtt

JPRS 43710

Guarding tha Sowiet Slgr, by B. Zabalok, 7 PP* RUSSIAN, par, Ygyypo-latorlobaekiJ Ztaraftl.

No 10, 1967, ppo>-68.

JPRS 43710

Stonriag tha Wint ar fblaca, by M. Zakharor, U pp. RUSSIAN, par.^Yoy^onoiitwlohaakŁy ahmrtfl. No

JPRS 43710**

Speech of the Klnieter of Defenaa on the Law of Unlveraal Ml 11 tary Duty, lB pp. fUaeiAN, nr», R*d Star, No 241, 13 Oct 1967, pp 1-13.

DIA LN 304-60

An Iaportaat Ccotrlbution la tha Rlatory of National Ariatior, by N. Sbytow, 8 pp. RBSIAN, par.

No 10, 1967. PP JPRS 43710

Law of the Union of 8oviet 8ocialiat Republic Concerning General Military Eerwice, 30 PP* RU88IAN, »P. Red 8tar. No 241, 13 Oct 1967,

pp 1-30.

DIA LN 3O3-$0

Civil Defenae Work in Moacow, by V. Pronyalow, 5 PP*

W88IAN, par,    *> 10»

1967, PP 16-17*

JPRB 43558



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