IISItlCTIO AN 09 10 709



In um' It thtHild betom* RKMil) (o prrwnt the eapturr «»# thit ttjuipmenf and *Kcn orUeretl to do to. 1)1 M ROY II SO TH AT NO PARI OF IT CAN HI nALYAGIO. RECOGNI7J.D. OR LSŁD BY llll IM.WY IM RN ALL P3PI R> ANO B< H>KS.


I.    Kxpła*ivct, u hen prosidcd

2 Hammer*. axt*. *lcdgcv nuihdcv or whilorr hcaty objcti i« rcaddy juiliblt.

J.    Burning by meant of inundiarie* such as gaudine. oil. paper. or «ood.

4. Grenadę* and shots from asailahtc iirmt.

*>. Burying all debris or disposing of ir in strcaim or other bodie* of »atcr, where pussible and u hen time pcrmits.


1.    Obliteratc all identifying marki. Destroy nanuplatc* and circuii tabel*.

2.    Demolith all panel*, castings. switch- and instrument-biiard*.

3.    Octtroy all Controls. switchca, rclays, conncctions. and mcterv

4.    Rip out all wiring and cut intcrconncctions of cleetrrcal ccjuipment. Sniath ga». oil. and uater-cooling systems in gas-engine generator*, etc.

3. Snrnh etery electrical or mechanica! part. whełhcr rotating. moving. or fixcd. <*. Break up aJI operating instrument* such a* kcys. phones, microphonc*. etc.

7• Destroy all elasse* of carrying cuci, strap*. Container*, etc.

H. Bury or scatter all debris.



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