Scientific Materials (Contd)
Scientific Materials (Contd)
The StreaB-Strain Diagram at the Yield Stress of Mild Steel, by A. Krisch A R. Lckshraanan.
GERMAN, per, Arch, Eleenh,. Vol 38, June 1967, pp 443-446,
BISI 58^4
Bending and Internal Stresses of Strip, by 2. Gorlaaen.
GERMAN, per, Hleoh. Vol 13, Dec 1966, pp 640-646.
BISI 5605
DJrlSf ^ ot ***** X-S«y Fluorescence h*ly.U of SUlnles, 3t«.ls,
“ Producta In Steel, ty H. Streube 4 ty H. de UffoUe.
r.TOt-ni ' . . . ... GERMAN, per, EEW - Teohniecle Berichte, Vol 7.
Pt 1, 1967, PP 509-518.
HB 7228
HB 7266
Naturę and DlBtribution of Qxide Inclusiona in Steels Partly-Killed in Various Ways, by K. Wick, et al«
GERMAN, per, Arch. Slsenh.■ Vol 38, No 9,
1967, PP 701-710.
•Irnf^^np? °f W!lds on *** Pr°ssure Drop in Large
Pipes» °* Conrad * J. Brandta.
Influence of Car boni zation Gases on Bitundnoua Coal Under Preasure, by G, Huck.
GERMAN, per, Erdol u. Kohle. Yol 19, Aug 1966, PP 572-574.
BISI 5>*5
A High Pressure Diffusion Cloud Chaaber with Machinę Cooling, by E. Greiner.
GEPMAN, per, Exp Tech Phys, Vol 13, 196S, pp 191-203.
Conversion of Existing Welding Mills to High F^uency Induction Heating, ty K. Filek.
PP 70 76Per* aeche‘ Vo1 8» F«b 1967,
BISI 5816
Titanlum Procesa o? Steel, by G. Sbersbach A E. łfey, GERMAN, rpt, Firat Miedgnarodowę SywpołJua Metal o snavą twa 1 Obróbki Cieplne ,1. Warsaw. 24-27 October, 10 pp,
The Application of the Schnidt Concrete Testing liamer to the Testing of Refractory a-ick, by P. Artelt.
GER1AN, per, Ber. EKG.. Yol 43, June 1966,
PP <06-439.
BISI 5276
Ihe Deterelnation of Bot Duotility of Steela by toreion Teatinf, by J. Langerweger and H. Trenkler.
OtBUN. per, Ben- Bitten tonatah. Yol 112, Zan 1967, pp 20-3:
BISI 55?3
The Eleotroslag Rewelting Prooeta, by W, Koltgruber,
GERMAN, per, Bera- Und Huttenn. H.. Yol 112, No 9# 1967, pp 269-271.
HB 7330
Production and Utility of Yacuun Steel in the Foundry, by W, Coupette.
GERMAN, per, Giesserei. Vol 53, No 8, 1966, pp 224-229.
HB 7300
Penetration Phenooena with Steel Caetlnga Using Difforent tk>ulding-Sand Kixture8, ty H. Lopau A H. HofDaeister.
GERMAN, per, Gletaerei. Yol 53, Oot 27, 1966,
PP 739-748.
BISI 5610
Annua) Review of Spheroidal Graphite Caet Iron -Part 3, by H, Tragar.
GERMAN, per, OleBierel. Vol 53, Oot 27, 1966,
PP 755-757.
BISI 5686
The OH Yacuun Daga aa Ing Proceia and AUoying of Fluid Steel, by F. Oetere.
GERMAN, per, Pawahlet. Hoeioh 40«. U pp.
aisi 5883