
Biologiem! 5 Medical Scltncss (Contd)


Biologictl 5 Medlcsl Sciencas (Contd)

The Hotion o £ the Phasa ^eperetlon ln Model •nd Blologlcal Systaas, by C.N.Zataeplna, 7 pp. RUSSIAN, per, BlofUlką, *>. 1, Vol. 12,

Moscow, 1967, pp. 69-72.

JPRS 44,136

The Poeelble Slgnl£ic«nce of A Free-Radlcal Mechanlan ln the Reguletlon of Celi Repro-ductlon, by Ya.B.Burlakova, 12 pp.

RUSSIAN, per, Bloflzlke, No. I, Vol. 12,

Moscow, 1967, pp. 82-88.

JPRS 44,136

Ibe Contractile Abllity of Celi fluclei, by V. M. Mityuahln, et al, 16 pp.

&JSSIAU, per, Bloflzlka. ffo. 1, Vol 12, Moacow, 1967, pp 89-9^

JPRS 44,136 3be Rectlfying Propertlea of Gla.it Nerwe Celi Membrances lu Solutio..a With VaryLig łon Conposltloii, by V. D. Geraaiz»v, et «1, 12 pp. RUSSIAIJ, per, Bloflzlka, Ko. 1, Vol 12, Moacow, 1967, PP 97-103.

JPRS 44,136

On the Naturę of the Blologlcal Effect of Vibratlon, by S. K. Rooanov, 7 pp.

RUSSIAI., por, Bloflzlka, l-io. 1, V01 12, Moacow, 1967, PP 120-123.

JPRS 44,136

X-Ray Analysis Fladlngs on H>uaan Er/throcytes Froze . l.i Polyethylene Oxlde Solutlona, by M. I. Shrago and R. P. Bulatova, 7 PP*

RUB8IAN, per, Bloflzlka, Ko. 1, Vol 12, Moscow, 1967, pp 163-1^

JPRS 44,136

Lihlbitlon of Synaptlc Acetyl Acetyl-CŁol-inesteraae by Photoatinuletio.: of Yitally Ąred Kuście, by Tu. H. Bumistrow a..d S. 0. Ye..e.iko, 6 pp.

RU3SIA.., per, Bloflzlka, Ko. 1, Vol 12, Moscow, 1967, PP 165-lST JPRS 44,136

Electron Poraragnetic Resonance of Iron Coordination Conplexee with Certaln Nuclelc Acld Conponente, by A. N. II*Ina, I. I. Naktinie, 7 PP*

HJSSIAN, per, Bloflzlka. Vol 12, No 2, Mar-Apr 1967, pp 1^1-185.

JPF6 4364$

Study of the TT-Ełectron Structure of Watson-Crick Palra of DNA Basa a ln SendLenpiric Approxlmatlon by the Self-Conalatant Field Method, by V. I. Danilov, V, A. Kuprlyevlch,

10 pp*

HJSSIAN, per, Bloflzlka, Vol 12, No 2, Mar-Apr 1967, PP I&-I92.

JPRS 43645

The Connection between Protein Conformatlon and Ultrawlolet Lumlnescence, by I. D. Volotovakly and S. V. Konew, 7 PP*

HJSSIAN, per, Bloflzlka. Vol 12, No 2, Mar-Apr 1967, PP 200-205*

JPRS 43645

Actlon of Modlfying Agenta on Free Radl cala of Irradlated Enzyaes to Inactiwate The Ir Radlatlon. Effect of 0xygen, by D. F. Arlpowa, Ye. E. Ganaael, 11 pp.

HJSSIAN, per, Bloflzlka, Vol 12, No 2, 1967, pp 206-214.

JPRS 43645

laninar Structure of Chloroplast Grałaś,

Spectr&l Properties of Monolayers of Chlorophyll ln Vlyo aad in Vltro, and Adsorptlon Machanlsn of Their Fornation, by L. I. Nekraaow, 12 pp. RJS8IAN, per. BiflfliiJtp. Vol 12, No 2, 1967, pp 215-223*

JPRS 43645

Electrophyslologlcal Aaalysis of Thernal Destruction of the Skeletal Musdes of the Conraon Europę aa Frog, by V. B. Ushakow and T. P. Filanowakaya, 9 pp.

HJS8IAN, per, Bloflzlka. Vol 12, No 2, 1967,

PP 233-239*

JPRS 43645

Destruction Mechanlan of Blologlcal Cells In An Ultrasonlc Field and Feaslbllity of 8tudylng Physlcal Properties of the Celi Men-brane, by Ł. F. Łependln and V. A. Ustlnowa,

5 PP*

HJSSIAN, per, Bloflzlka. Vol 12, No 2, 1967, pp 268-271.

JPRS 43645

Transltlonal Diffuslon ln Double-Iayer Tlssuea Raactlng with Dlffualng 8ubstance, by V. K. Yegerew, U pp.

HB8IAN, per, Bloflalka, Vol 12, No 2, 1967,

PP 315-323*

JPRS 43645



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