
Blologlctl ą Madlcal Sciences (Contd)


Biological & Madlcal Sciences (Contd)

Sacowiary Orowth and Saccodary Fldrarlng ot Paralaa Halnut, by F. U ShchapcfsY, 15 pp. R03SIAH, pw, ftotaaiobaahli Ztarnal. Vol 40, Ho 1, 1955. PP CFSTI TT 67-51316

Thresbold of Oalvaaic Phoiphane# In Light and D&rkness, by L. L. Shik, 17 pp*

W88IAI, per, Plalologlcheskli Zhurnal M3R, Vol lfl, 1935. PP 231-236. P9UOh72^

AK UCHL-Trans-10194

Biologii 1


ABC UCRL-Trana-10168

On tha Vagatation of the Bald and Sub-Bald Belta of the BłJdn-Iaan Water Divlde( by A, F. Pryalukhlna, 6 pp.

RD33IAN, per, ęoUnlchaakll Zhurnal. Vol 43, Ho 1, 1958. PP 92-!

CF3TI TT 67-51334

The HagatiYS Aotlon of a Larga Aaount of Pollen ln Polllnation of Peralan Walnut (Jaglana Regla), by A. A. Karatekaym and L. 0. Tokar*, 7 PP* K0SS1AH, per, Botanlobaakl*    - )Jo 4|

1963, pp 580-555*

cfsti r. 67-51325

Changee in the Electrical Senattivity of the Eye durlng the Courae of the Dny, by A. I. Bog^slovakiy, 6 pp.

RUSSIAN, per, Byulleten1 Ekaperl^ental^ol Biologii 1 Fedltainy, Vol 3, 1937, PP l46^ l4g.    P91104g768

ABC UCRL-Trnn«-10167

On the Effect of Sour.J on the Electrlcal Senalt.lYity of the E?x*, by A. I. Bogoalovakiy, 9 PP*

RUSSIAH, per, Byul* • ^n' Ekapcrlrenta^nol Biologii 1 Medltalny, Vol 3, 1937, PP 329-332*

On the Ouestion of Fuaion of Light Flicker brooght ab^ut by Blectrlcal Stimlation of the Eye (rrellrainary Conmunication), by A. I. Bogralovakly, 10 pp.

RUSSIAH. per, Eyulleten1 Ekaperlmental1^! biolog1v t MeAltalny. Vol 3.19377 PP 333-336.    P911043468


The offect of Cortain Błocenie Slewrts on the Prinary Production ln the Chupir^kaya ^iba of the '.'rhits Se*, Tm/eatigated by tho ,'Jethod of Daalenad Adelitlon, by V, D. Fedorw,

RJ88TAK, per, TłlMgYflffiS


r/rn^5, fo 1, 1^7, rr ?^0-n?3.

'Ikpt of ..v/y 1100 tr 404

Mechanlsn of Increaalng Oanotic Reaiatance of Rata* Erythrooytea with Adaption to Hypoxia, by Z. I. 6arbaahova«

RUSSIAN, per, Fltlologlcheekly Zhurnal S3SR.

Vol 50, 1964. ^1385-1392.

•MASA TT F-11,410

Conjugate Bilateral Functlonlng of the Veati-bular Apparatua, by G* I* Gorgilad**.

RUSSIAH, per, Fltiol Zh 888R Sechenoy, Vol 52/ Ho 6, 1966, pp 669-676,

HEW-HIH (Only on Loan)


Genatica of Hataroaia, by N. V. Turbin, L. V. Kbotylara.

RUSSIAN. bk, OenaUka Oataroaiaa. 1964.

CFSTI TT 67-5221

Seasonal Changes of inmunological Reactivity in Persons tforking in the Open Air. by Ye. N. NiXolayeva, 6 pp. RUSSIAN,per, Gigjyena 1 Sanltarlya, Vol. 33, No. 1, Moscow, Medit9ina Press, Jan 68, pp. 55-57.

JPRS 44,563

Occurrence of Closcridium Botulinum and clostridium Tetani in the soil of Armenian SSR, by K.M. Ayanyan, et al. 5 pp.

RU3SIAN, per, Gigiyena 1 Sanltarlya, Vol. 33, No. 1, Jan 68, ftoocow, Heditsina Press, pp. 114-116.

JPRS 44,563

Results and Goals of Hygienic Research in RSFSR, by O.H. Kukhametova, et al,

6 pp.

RUSSIAN, per, giolyna i Sanitarlya, Vol. 33, No. 1, Jan 6B, ttoacow, Medltelna Presa, pp. 121-123.

JPRS 44,563

Surgical Aapecta of Kepalr Operatłona on the Heart and Blood Yeaaela, by G.N. 8olov'yev, 10 pp.

RUMIAN, per, Orudnaya Khlrurglya,

Mo. 6, mdscow, i9biTpp. ;»-9.

JPRS 44,707


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