Biological S Medical "Sciences (Contd)
Biological S Medical Sciences (Contd)
No 9. Sop 1907, P
Therepeutic and Tberapeutic-Prophylactic Nutrltlon During tha Yeara of Sovi«t Power, by M.S.Marehak, 5 pp.
RUSSIAN, par, Yoproay Pltaniya. Vol. 26,
No. 5, Madltaina, Moacow, Sept-Oct 67, pp. 39-42.
JPRS 43,813
Soae Urgant Probleaa in Nutrltlon Hyglane, by A.A. Pokrovakly, 20 pp.
RUSSIAN, par, Voproay Pltaniya. Vol. 26, No. 5, Modltslna, Moacow, Sapt-Oct 67, pp. 42-53.
JPRS 43,813
Status of and Proapacts for Research on the Toxicology of Peetlcldes in Foodstuffs and the Flzlng of Uygienic Standards Tbarefor, by A.l. Shtenberg, 21 pp.
RUSSIAN, par, Yoprosy Pltaniya, Vol. 26, No. 5, Hedltsina, MoacowJ" Sept-Oct 67, pp. 53-62.
JPRS 43,813
Sixteenth Scientific Session of the Instltute of Nutrltlon, Acadaay of Medical Sciences USSR, by S.G. Aptekar' and K. I. Yegorov,
14 pp.
RUSSIAN, par, Voprosy Pltaniya, Vol. 26, No. 5, Hedltsina, Moacow, Sept-Oct 67, pp. 84-89.
JPRS 43,813
i-Aitagenic and Inactivatin-j Action of Kydro:<ylar.ine in tho Trcatnent of Infectious £!A and ;.'ativo Polio^yelitis Virus, by Yu. Z. Gendon,
RUSSIAN, por, Voprosy yirusol. VoI 6, 1966,
PP 724-729. i«LL Ref i RTS 4051
Achievenents of Soviet Virology Since the October Revolution, by V. M. Zhdanov, 8 pp.
RUSSIAN, per, Voprosy Yirusologii, No 4, 1967, pp 387-392.
JPRS 43739
The Synthosis of Soae Deuteratod Aromatic Hydro-carbons and their Raman Spectra, by A, I. Shatenshtein,
RUSSIAN, per, Zh Fit Khlm. Vol 32, No 1, 1958, pp 146-151,
Roaulta of Study and Control of Bruoalloaia In tho USSR, by P. A. YerehiloTa, 6 pp.
RUSSIAN, por, ' ~
__No 9, Sep 1967, PP
Aohieveoents of Soriet Clainfooticn, by V. I. Vashkov, 15 PP*
RUSSIAN, per, Łfaurnel Mikrobiologii gpldsańologll 1 Incunoblologil. No 9. Sop 1967, PP 7*
Bvolution of Botuli aa, Raport I, Biological Signlfioanoo of Jfcthogsnieity, by P. N. Burgas ot, S. N. Ruąymntsey, 9 pp.
Cooperative Study of inthraa Bactoriophage, by Ye. ». Lerina, V. R. Arkhipova, 8 pp.
RUSSIAN, par, _
1 IaownoblologlŁ. No 9. Sop 1967. PP JPRS 43760
Conoentratlon and Purifioatlcn of Staphylooooous Delta-Tbzin, by Te. V Rusakort, 9 pp*
Fifty Yeara' Sfforts to Control Yirua Infeotiona in the USSR, by 0. Y. Baroysn, R. A. lantororioh, ^ PP*
RUSSIAN, per, Yoproay Yiruaolotii. No 5. Sep 1967 pp 515-524.
JPRS 43974
Ralationship Between the Bffeot of Ionlaing Radiatton on tha Couroo of Ylme Infeotiona and tho Yirua Dos* uaod to Inooulato tho Aninals, ty A. 0. Norot, 0. P. Petereon, 8 pp.
RUSSIAN, por. Yoprop Ylrueolodl. No 5i Sap 196?
pp 562-566,
JPRS 43974
Fifty Yaars of Soviat Hi litary Epldaolology, by Ya. I. Solrnoy, 9 pp.
RUSSIAN,per, 2humel Mlkrobloloall. jp*d—lolPIll. 1 IasMnobloloail. No. u, Moacow, Nov 67, pp. 45-52.
JPRS 44,043
The Role of El Tor Yibrloa in Cholera Epi-deolologyiSurvey).,by Y.S. Canin and L. Ya. Khundanov, 9 pp.
RUSSIAN, par, ąmng 1 Mikrobiologii. Eoldeo-\?Ł?gli. i I^jnoblolojŁlj, No. 11, Nov 67, pp. 87-93.
JPRS 44,043