
Bloloftiol Ł Medical Sciences (Contd)


Biological 6 Medical Sciences (Contd)



JPRS 43713

Soviet Blocbealetry in the 50 Yaara of Sovlet Power, 22 pp.

RUSSIAN, Journal, Blokhlnlyą, Vol. 32,

Ho. 5, Hoacow 67, pp. 883-899.

JPRS 43,858

Influence of the pH and łonie Strength on the Ratę of the Raaction of Organie Bboephorue Coupound# with Serua Cholineeteraee, by A.P. Breetkin and I. Ł. Brik, 10 pp.

RUSSIAH, Journal, Blokhialyą, Vol. 32,

No. 5, Moecow, 1967, pp. 1004*1010.

JPRS 43,858

Sffact of Ł»Ray on Fishea — ŁeMitai liphophorui^h^leriA and Caraaalug g

RUSSIAH, par, Biel Zh. Vol 7. Ho 5/6, 1938. pp 1023-1034.

Dept of Intarlor

Barem of Oomeraial Flaharlas

Branoh of Foreign Fiaheriea

11»c Electrical Medical Apparatus, by N. M. Lizentsev, 334 pp.

RUSSIAN, lik. Ulektro-MeUitsinskaya Apparatura, 1964, fioscow, 3rd tdition •NASA TT F-523

Dovelopnent of Chemotherapy in the Soviet Union,

by G. N. Pershin, 9 PP.

RUSSIAH, per, Faraakologlya i TokslkoloRlyą,

Yol 30, Ho 5, Sept-Oct 196?, pp 515-520,

JPRS 43909

Fifty Tours of Soviet Tox±cology. ty Yu. V, Drugov, il pp.

RUSSIAH, per, Fanaakologi,ya i Tokslkologiy*.

Yol 30, No 5» Sopt-Cct 1967, pp 521-528.

JPRS 43909

Developn»nt of Pharracology in Pharracy In8titute6 and Facultieb, by A. N. Kudrin,

24 pp.

RJSSIAN, per, Fanatslya, Yol 16, Ko 5>

Sept-Oct 1967/ PP 65-80.

JPRS 43351

Changea in the tferidi* Capaoity of Hu sole Aftar łapo aura of Han to Rypokinatlo Oondi tlona, ty M. Z. Tiranot, H. Ta. Panfarora.


Yol 5L, Ho U, 1965. PP •TO.HT-23-36-66

Action Meobaniaa of Edethylanide of Iytarglo Aoid (DUL) on the Central Harroua Syaten, by I.

P. Anolddna, 14 pp.

RUSSIAN, par, Flilol

ŁlY 1025.

JPRS 43738

Photo energetioe of a Synohrcnoua Chlorella Cultura, by Ł. N. Bali, la. A. Lin W, 11 ». RUSSIAH, par, £Jjdolodja fieatęsti, Yol 14, ho 5. Sap-Oct 1967. PP JPRS 43760

Fifth All-Uhion Confareno# on tha AppUoation of Tracę SLaaanta in AgriouLture and Hadioina (Irkutak, 15-20 Aug 1966). by I. A. Burkin, 0. Ih. Zhiane-vskaya, 7 pp.

RUSSIAN, par, Fitjologjya RMtgUJ. Yol 14, Ho 5. Sap-Oot 1967. PP 957-9.

JPRS 43760

Content of Atmospheric Radiolysis Products in the Operating Chambers of Powerful Gaaaia-Radiation Installations, by M. T. Daitryev.

RUSSIAN, per. Gik Sanit, Yol 32, 1967, pp 112-114.


Sani tary-Hyglenie Meaaurea in the Kranlln (1918-1920), by G. P. Zarubin, 6 pp.

RUSSIAH, per, Glalyena 1 Sąnltarlya, Ho. 9,

Hoacow, Sapt. 67, pp. 51-54.

JPRS 43,864

Organiaatlon of Rygiena and Sanitatlon Sarrioaa la tha USSR, by M. I. Baraokor, 9 pp.

RUSSIAH, par, Oiairana i SanitoriM. Ho 11, Hor 1967. pp 6-11.

JPRS 43966

Cali Reaaaroh at tha Aoadaay of Soienoea USSR, by la. Kanuoharora, 7 pp.

RUSSIAH. np, IareaUrt. 13 Aug 1967. p 5. JPRS 43951

Baotarla Cont in tha Aiml Sak *ter mi«, by Zh. r. Adiyatora, H. I. Noromhiloya, 6 pp RUSSIAH, par.



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