
Biological q nedical Sciences (Contd)


Biological $ Medical Sciences (Contd)

Pathway- of Miera tion of the Larvao of Dela fonii 1 li the Horso, by E. I. Skolinskii. RUSSIA!-’, per, Trudy Vs*soyugnyi Institut eksporlnental1noi yetcrlnarU. Vol 10, llo 2,

1952, pp 82-36.

ML Refi RTS '*084

Fifty Years of the Belorusaian Public Health Service, by N. Ye. Savchenko, 8 pp.

RUSSIAN, per, Sovetakcfye zdrayookhr&nenlye. Mo 11, 196?, pp 55-61.

JPRS 43889

Higher Medical Education in the USSR, by Yu. F. Isakoy, iO pp,

RUSSIAN, per, Sovetskoye zdrayookhranenlye.

No 11, 1967, pp &1-6&,

JPRS 43889

Pressirg JYobleras in Social Hygiene, by N. A. Vinogradov, 13 po,

RUS2T*N, per, Soyetskoye zdravookhranenlve.

No U. 196?, pp 6^??.    -

JPfC 'j889

Tho Role of the Puhlic in the Construction of the

™SJC.,H#Alth S«rvlc«» * Ya. Freydlir., 6 pp. RUSSIA.J, per, Sovetgkoye zdrayookhranwniyw-No U, 196?, pp 77-81,

JPRS 43889

The Elinination of Infectious SLseases aa a Prodea in Socinl Hygiene, by V. D, Tinakoy,

11 pp,

RUSSIAN, per, Soyetakoye tdravookhran«nlva. No 11, 196?, pp 82-90.    ^

JPRS 43889

Basic Indicators of the Puhlic Health Service of the USSRi A Comparaison of Pre-Revolutionary and Prewar Perioda, 9 pp.

RUSSIAN, per, Soyetakoye idravoaleHr»n*nł y-

No 11, 1967, pp^ 91-95/-

JPRS 43889

Ccnte^orary Probleas 0f tlectrophysiology of SS5cf2trfi N!rVOUS Syste». Ny V. S, Rusinoy,

Aiit*d»ni§ "A*

RU3?IaJ’    A. 0. BobkoT, 11 pp,


Ultre.W»4k RadlaUon of Blolofloal patena, tQr B, M. Taruaoy, I, ZYaaoT,



The Use of He»ichloroethane in Susper.sions n*ith Marł, by D, S. Shcpclev & 'r. G, 8elov.

RUSSIAU, per, Tejdsb, d okłady nauah, konfer, yąos.obshch, gcl, aT?, SSSR. Vols 10-14. /c 1. 1962, pp 212-214.

IjLL Refi RTS 4101

Tranaplantatioo Imuaity and RadlaUon Chiaeraa by R, Petror aad Yu. Zaretakaya.

RUSSIAN, hk, Iranaplantatsiannyl I—unitet 1 &dUtelonnjoBAmnl 1965.



Courarins and Furocoumarins in the Plant Kingdon, by G. A. Kuznetsova,

RUSSIA’-, per, Trudy Bo tan, inst. Akad, nauk SSSR, Serios 57Vol 12, l%5» PP >12.

ULL Refi RTS 4020

Hethoda of Imreatlf atlag the Biological Foaturoa of Tiah Rapnlatlona and Changoa ln thoe, by X,

A, Zoidcaya,


. PP 39-

Dept of Interior

Borem of Co—ergial Fleherlee

Broofa of Foreign Flsheriea

tffect of Histones on the Deyelopnent of the Sca Urchin Eggs, by V, I, Vorob'y«v»

A, A. Neifakh.

RUSSIAN, per, Tsitoiogiya. Vol 6, 1964, pp 496-498.


KLeotroi Kicroeoope Celi Reeearoh ln the USSR, by ¥. F, Kaahacekiy, 19 pp,

wiMP3** *l ’•* “• °*

JPRS 41941

of Sorlot Cytologioal Ręooaroh, 5 pp,

^ EtfH*** «*•••* a

JFRS 43941



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