Scientific Materials (Contd)


Mathcmatical Sciences

Effect of Vacuum Deoxidation ln Ladle and Remelting in Vacuum Arc Fumace Upon the Ouality of Bali Bearlng Steel, by W, Luty*

POLISH, per, Hutnik. Vol 32, No 11, 1965, PP 383-


HB 6818

Cowplex Layers of Boridcs on Unalloycd Steels, by II. Doger.

POLISH, rpt, ILtedgynarodos/e Sympozjum Hctalosnąwst-.-a i Obróbki Cieplne.1, Kombir.ierto Boridschichten auf Unie.-^jor ton Stahlen, 2^-2? Oct 19o7» 12 pp. ♦I^D-HT-23-119-^8

New Iethods for Solving Elliptic Eąuations, by D. E. Brown*

RUSSIAN, bk, Ansterdam, 196?, 357 p.

*XL Ref 1 51

Kethods of Contour Integration, by M. L« Rasulov. RUSSIAN, bk, Amsterdam, J9Ć7, 439 p.

JfLL Ref 1 51

DUital ^oothing Pil ter a, by Tu. M. Eoribunor. ROSSIAH. ipt, AM UZRSSR. Ketony i aredatra ore. braaoTirainfoniatall. fi er, SauŁov>f^V-t. I966



Trundatorlsed Digital Potantioaatar, by I. A* Netrebenho, V. B. Reuter.

Selection of Eraulsified Lubricanta for the Cold Rolling of Steel Strip. Part III Experimental., by W. Górecki & J. Madejski.

POLISH, per, Prace Instytutów Hutnlcznych, Vol 17, No 5, 1965, pp 309-31C HB 6866-11

Production of Tar-Bonded Dolomite Refractories and Results of a First Trial at a Russian Basic Oxygen Furnace Plant, by W. Bieda.

POLISH, per, Prace Rady Naukwo-Tochn, Huty Im. Lenina, No 15. 19^, PP 108-118.

H3 l6?5

Estimation of the Error Involved in the Nuaeri-cal Integration of Oifferential Eąuations by the Adams Extrapolation Method, by N. S. Bakhvalov. RUSSIAN. per, Dok Ak Nauk SSSR. Vol 104, 19SS, pp 683-686.


Sj. J. iiytt. Ko 10, 1 Juno 1*V»7,

The Oxidatlon-Reduction Diagram, by D. Masse. PORTUGUESE, per, Ket. A»l..Vol 22, Jul 1966, PP 523-532.

BISI 5672

Deternination of the Characteristics of Sinters Prepared at tho *'President yarga” Plant of Cia. PORTUGUESE, per, !'et. Ł5K. Vol 22, July 1966,

PP 53>544.

BISI 5571

A Concrotr Crocstioi Kor The Swodish Railways,

ił j:p,

5.ŁU1S::. per, Jarr.va.:en, '.'o 6-7, Juno-July 1967, l' 3*

DIA Li. 145-68

Ute of Radioaotire Ieotopea ia the Miniag and the Iron and Steel Infeatrlea, by L.-O, Sreall. WIS8, per. Jentont Ann. Vol 142. Mo 7. 19*. PP 369-397. ais: 5925

Concrete. SWtDISH, per,

r? 6-7.

CIA U 42-63

Some Propertier. of Cauchy Integrals and Their Application, by V. V. Ivanov.

RUSSIAN. per. Dok Ak Nauk SSSR. Vol 121. No S.

1958,    pp 793-7971 •NASA TT F-11.5S3

Rieman Boundary Value Próblen with Continuous Coefficients, by I. B. Simonenko.

RUSSIAN. per. Dok Ak Nauk SSSR. Vol 124, No 2.

1959,    pp 278-2FH •NASA TT F-11.S51

Elliptic Eąuations in Unboundod Domaina, by K. I. Freidlin.

RUSSIAN, per, AN SSSR. Pokłady. Vol 172, No 6,

1967, pp 1236-12591

Dept of Kary/ APL/JHU T-2075

Effect of Geometrical Paranetera of Currilinear Anmilar Diffusera on their Effioiency, by 0. I. Didenko.

hUSSIAK, per, Ibv AN.3S3R fcnorg 1 Transp. Vol 6, U*66. pp 154-160.

!1L Ref 1 9022.03 (4148)


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