
Atwospheric Sciences (ContU)


Atmosphcric Sciences (Contd)

oblastel CFSTI TT

TT 66-51146

Principles and Methods for Modifying Convec-tive Clouda Used by the Caucaaus Bcpedition in 1964-1965, by 0. K. 8ulakvelidze, 28 pp. RU88IAN, per, Trudy Vygokogorno«o Oeoflzi-cheskogo Inatituta, No 5, 1966, pp 150*168. JPRS l*35tó

On the Idcro-Cliratic Conditions of tho Large T«m Parks and Areas, ty 3. V. Poltaraus. RUSSIAN, por, Yestnik I.oskovskop.o uniyarsltcta, Vol 2, 1966, pp 11-19.

ULL Ref: RTS ł«0?2

Hydroneteorology of the Polar Regions, by G.

Ya. Vangengeim A A* F, Iaktionov.

RUSSIAN, bk, Vopros^^ldronetoorologll polyarnyfch

Cloud Seading for Snów, by Yeh Chia-tung, 5 PP* CHINESE, per, Kło-hsueh Hua-pao, No 3» Mar 1964, pp 102-103.

JPRS **3872

Blography of a Typhoon, ty Tung K'0-eh'lli, 7 PP* CHINESE, per, Kło-heueh Ta-chung, No 8, Aug 1964, pp 298-299.

JPRS 43872

Proceedlngs and Peraonalitiea ln Hungarian Meteorology, 9 PP*

HUTC ARIAN, per, IdoJaraa, No $, Sept-Oct 1967, PP 314-320.

JPRS 43562



ti. Akademii



Au I.ive8tiGatio,. o., the predictior of Strong Winda Associated with Cold Fro.its ln the Yupeh Region (Uorther.i Honaii) in Spriiig, by Zhu Zhong-Ji, and Hu Xue-raei.

CHLESE, per, Ch'1-Haia-g Hstleh-Pao, (Acta Heteorolofcica 8i:iica) Peking, (Lina, Vol 35# «o.

2, May 1965# PP 138-147.

P1000129-6C AFCRL Eua-66-lUO

The Rclationshlp Batweea The Convergence Belt And Thunderetora Activities During Spring in the Warn Region of Fukien, by Wang Ds-taaa.

CHINESE, per, Chi'-Halang HaOah-Pao, (Acta Meteorologica Sinica) Peking, China, Vol 35# No.

3# 1965, PP 316-327-PIOO36SO-67 AFCRL Ew.; 66-86

Ar. Bxperli.»:it on the Quantitative Description of Fielus oi ClL.atolo0ical Slcuc.ito ty iieane of OrŁho^o. al FYuictlons, by Sl'.i Yosig-ni«n.

OiLZSE, por, a^l-Hala.t: Hattch-Pao, (Acta i^teorologica Sinica), Peking, Oii;»a, Vol 35#

.0. 3, 1965, PP 343-351.

P1003679-67 AFCRL Łłi 66-39

A Radar Analyeia of Iiailatorua Ovor the Peki.ig Region in 1964, by Ko JUn-aha-g.

CHLESE, par, Chłl-Haia:f: HaUoh-Pao, (Acta Meteorologie# SinicaJ Pau.g, Chi.a, Vol 36, ..o. 2, June 1966, pp 213-222.

P1000128-6C AFCRL Sm-67-l6l

Behayioral & Social Sciences

Optlmel Self-Taaching Syatea, by V. S. Pugacher,

7 pp.

RUSSIAN, per, Pokłady AkadewU Nauk 3S8R, Vol 175. No 5. 1967. PP 1022-1025.

JPRS 43722

On the OuantltatlTe Eraluation of the Tendaolocy of a Tooabulary, ty L. 0. Krawata, 13 pp.


Perlpheral o’ Looal Reflexea, by M. V.

Sergiyevskiy, 220 pp.

RUSSIAN, per, _

Refleksy. 1964.    P100369367-Y


An Exaninatlon of Memory ln Connectlon with the Taaka of Engineerlng Paychology, by P. I. Zlncbenko, md V. P. Zinchenko.

RUB6IAN, per, Palkhologjya Panyati, Akademii lchaakikh Nauk RSF8RZ

'# PP

Memory Oapaclty eod Amount of Information, by P. B Hevel'»kiy.

RUSSIAN, per, Palkhologlya lohaeklkh Nauk ftaWC STK,-Mj;rii..' ł pp1



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