

Scientific    » Scientific

Blological $ Medięal Sciences (Contd)    Blological & Medical Sciences (Contd)

HLood Preaervatlcn, by F. R. Vlnograd-FlnUl\

12 pp.

X PtrellToplra

RDBSIAN, per, froyl. No 10, Out 1967, pp JPRB *3759

Tranda ln the Fonwlatioo of HLood Preperetlona. by 0# la* Rosenberg, U pp.


Erorl. Ho 10,

JPR3 *3759

Oeyelopnent and Progress of Surgical Henatology during the Soviet Regino, by 0. M. Grozdov,

P. I. Polrovskiy, 9 pp.

KUSSIAN, per, Problemy Geiaatologii i Perelivaniva

ovi. No 10, oct ioo7, ,.y SS-OO.-


lhirtleth AnniTersajy of the Oltoorary of tba Cauaatlra Agent of Tick-Borne Łioephalitia, by !•* N. LeTtorloh, M. P. Onaukor. 8 pp. RUSSIAN, per, Probier Ylniaologil. łfe 5, Sep 1967, pp 52*-530.

JPRS *397*

The Paalfio Yarletlea of Calanna finaar^^ oua

S. L., by V. A. Jaaohnor.

kUSSIAN, rpt, Ręgęrtof the Ppajflo InsUtate

and ęoea^o-

Dept of Interior

ftirean of Ooaitroial Fiaheries

Branoh of Foreign Flaherlea

Jaok Kaokerel /Trtohurus Jąporyioagf of the Seat China Sea, by KI Smmor,

WaSIAN, per, gfbnoe Khos. Yol *2, Mo 1, 1966,

pp a-io.

Dept of Interior

Birean of Oomrolal Fiaheries

Branoh of Fbrelgn Flrherlea

of **PDrOTpln*

WOSIAN, per, j&tnoe D»i. Yol *2, No 2, 1966, PP 5-9.

Dept of Interior

Biretu of Oomrolal Flaherlea

Branoh of Foreign Fiaheries

Blrde of the Soriet Ohioc, Yol IV, by G. r. Dmmfor, N. A. Oladkor.

1952^' bkt ^it*T 3oT>Uko*° a<qruflft» Vol IV, CFSTI

NSF 65-50100

Sise and Aga Coapodtlon of Atlantlo-Soaadinaeian Herrlng, by Tu. C. Amin, Y. K. iilanor.

RJSSUa, por, ftrbpoe Khoi. Vol *2, No 7, 1966,

PP 17-19.

Dept of Interior

Aurom of Oomrolal Fiaheries

Branoh of Fbredgn Fiaheries

DlscoYerlng the Secreta of the Huaan Psyche. P. I. Bil*, 57 pp,    ^


RUSSIAN, bk, Kegulyatory Roita Rastenly i

TTT-yyr gpp 6ViS: y

uepi of Wavy 5203/NIC 2317

Distribution and Biological Effect of Radio-

by YUł *• *»*•!•*.

574 *

of Cwth S<*»t«e ^ytodi£- UC<h " th* 8*h,vior M»chmli. o

An ObJeoUre Ind«x fbr the gnloatlon of the feality of Idlble Mule Fat, by F. N. Aahae. ■kaya.

«03SIAN, per, Rybnoe D»». Yol *2, No 7. 1?66. PP 69-72.

Dapt of Interior

Bureau of Oomrolal Fiaheries

Branoh of Foreign Flaherlea

Kffeot of Thei*al Cbndltlona and fouulatlon Bite on the Orowth Ibnadoa of tao Herrlng •, ^ Q* A. Bogdanor, S. S. Fedoror.

*"*“• p». mą p»«. w «, ib 10. 1966,

W ik-15*

l*pt of Interior

Baroan of Cbiarolal Fiaheries

Branoh of feradgn Flaherlea


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