
Behavioral Ł Social Sciences (Contd)


Bchayioral f> Social Sciencos (Contd)

Inyestigetion of the Operativnoy Pamyati, by O. V.    Magnatin lhliwFll* Mmory Hatrlz,

Repklna.    by 0. V. Roardtefcly, 3. B. Torotenlcor.

KUS8IAN, per, Pslkhologiya Pamyati, Akademii Pedagog- RP3SIAN» Paten tNo I87839, Claa* 21. lcheBklkh Hauk~teFBR, yypuak 3, ”Problemy Inzhenernoy m^HT-2>30-68A Palkhologll1', Wo. 3, 19b$, pp il&-l6$.

nSinwk6n3* K—*? H»trłx, Pj O. P. Zh*rita>T, V.

raD-DT-66-220    V. ZT-^lEt,„.

°L,ICf^^l0"r,Co41^' % ?•    1916371 CU2U37/ł6,

Pelhholosll P1003273-67-V FTD-HT-66-220

P100 3273-67-*/


The Sti*ucture of Mnemitic Activlty, by V. Ya. Iyaudis RUS8IAN, per, PBikhologlya Paayati, Akademii Pedagog-lchcBklkh Nauk RSFSR, yypuak 3, nProblemy Inahenernoy

Psi:dioiogiiT,p •■o- 3> 19o?» pp 175-207.

Biological 6 Medical Sciences

The Content of Cesium-157 and Potassim in the Population of the USSR in 1962-1966, by E. L. Shapiro.

RUSSIAN, rpt, 1967.


Genesis of the Operationa of the Mnemitic Bffect, by L. H. Zhitnikova.

RUSSIAN, per, Peikho icheekikh Nauk

Forecast of the Levelr» of Irrauiation of Indige-eikhologiya Panyati, Akademii Pedagog- nous Inhabitarts of the Far North cn Accouit of lcheskikh Nauk RSF3R. Yrpusk "Problem/ Inzhenernoy Incorporated Total Cesiu»-137, by Palkhologir, No.    3, 190S1 pp 207-217.    tA. Moiseyev,

P1003273-Ó7-Y    RUSSIAN, rpt, 19o7.

FTD-HT-66-220    *AEC HASL

Certein Conditiona for the Eational Uae of Memory Peculiarities of the Migration fo Total Cesim-Durinc Training, by V. V. Repkln, and G. K. Sereda. 137 Froa Turf-Podsol Sandy Soils along Food RUSSIAN, per, Palkhologiya Pamyati, Akademii Pedagog- Chain3 into the Humań Organism, by A. A. Moi$eyev. icheskikh Nauk RSFSR, Yypuak 3, "Problcsy InŁhonernoy RISSIAN. rpt, 196''.



Palkholofiil", No. 3i P1003273^7“V FTD-HT-66-220

Deyelopnent of Pedagogy as a Soolal Science, by V. M. Khvoatov, 5 PP*

RUSSIAN, np, Uohltel1akaya gateta. 21 Nov 1967, P 1*

JPR3 1*3936

Inproving Teaohlng Methoda Through Scientific Organiiation of La bor, by V. Zalivadnyy, 5 pp, RUSSIAN, np, Uchitel*akaya gateta. 21 Nov 1967, p 2*

JPRS U3936

Hmaneot Memory Dnloe, by V. V. totem*. I.

V* latkoTi, 2 pp,

vS3tSM fc “2W/24-2*.

«MWV1063^7 •AEC HASL

Radioactive Tissues of Inhabitants of Individual Regions of the Soviet Uhion, by D. K. Popov. RUSSIAN, rpt, 1967.


Strontium-90 in the Bom Tissue of the Popu-lation of the Soviet Union, by A. N. Matei. RUSSIAN. rpt, 1967.


Strontium-90 and Polooium-210 in the Bones of Inhabitants of tho Far North in 1965, by P. V. Ramsayav.

RUSSIAN, rpt, 1967,



Ualted *>•«*, ty 0. 3. taUiUŁ. fcl ^

Ib 1. 196). ppJ




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