
Biological fi Medical Sciences (Contd)


Biological 6 Medical Sciences (Contd)

Sclentlsts Próba Man'« AblllCy to Survlv« Prolonged Stay ln an Encloaed Chaaber, by A. Ro«anov, 4 pp.

RUSSIAN, newspaper, Turk—nsltąyą Iskra. Ashkhabad, 17 Dec 67, p. 4.

JPRS 44,134

Hiatory o£ tha Kain Military Hoapital, by Col.

P. Ponaaarev, 6 pp.

RUSSIAN, par, Tyl i Snabthanlye, Ho. li, Momcow, Nov 67, pp. 56-59.

JPRS 44,047

Effect of thc l!a, !£, Cl and SO/^ ions on the Orotith, Reproduction and Carotene Fornation in thc Al£;a &mali.clla salina Teod, by K, P. Lasyuk. RUSSIA’1-’, por, Ukraylns'!^ botpnlchnyi zhurnal, Vol 22, -io 5, 19Ó5. PP >11.

III Ref 1 RTS 4031

Carbonates and Bicarbonator as Sttnulants of Grouth and of Accu-ailation of Carotene in the Cul turo of Dunaliella salina Teod, by N. P. lasyuk.

RUSSIAN, per, Ukrayins1^! botanlchnyi zhurnal, Vol 22, li o 6, 19 ć5. PP 10-21.

:.'LL Refi RTS 408?

Two Typea of Energy Transfer and Their Part in Photobiological Processes, by V. L. Yermolayev, 5 pp.

HUSSIAN, rpt, Ul* trafioletovoyc Izluchenlyo, 1966, pp 14-17.

JPRS 43436

Prirary Photophyaical Proceaaes in Albumena aa Basic Rcclpienta of Ultravlolet Radiation, by S. V. Kooev, Ye. A. Chernitakiy, 7 pp» RUSSIAN, rpt, Ul'traflolętoyoye Itlucheniye, 1966, pp 18-23.

JPRS 43436

The Effect of the Kacromolecular Stmcture of Albumen on Triplet-to-Triplet Transfere, by S. /. Konev and V. P. Bobrovich, 7 PP» FUSSIAN, rpt, Ul* trafioletovoye Itlucheniye, 1966, pp 23-P9»

JPR6 43436

A Study of Photochemical Proceaata in Albu-r.«ns and Aromatlc Anino Acids by a M*thod of Heatureaent of Ludnetcence and Thenuolumi-oescence, by L. X. Roahchupkin and Yu. A. Vladirirov, 8 pp.

RJ88IAM, rpt, Ul'tr*fiolttovoye Ialucheniye, 1966, pp 23-31*

JPR6 43436

Induced Phoephorescence of Aronatic Anino Acids and Albumens, by S. Ł. Aksentsev, V.

X. 01enev, 5 PP*

FUSSIAN, rpt, Ul* trafjoletoyoye Itlucheniye, 1966, pp 34-37.

JPRS 43436

An Investigatiou of the Naturę of Free Radlcals Forned during Photolysis of Alcohol Solutions of Arorcatic Anino Acids and Porphyrines, by Z. P. Griboya, 7 PP*

RUSSIAN, rpt, Ul♦traflolętoyoye Itlucheniye. 1966, pp 41-45.

JPRS 43436

Investigation of the Effect of Ultra-Violet and Vi8ible Light on Paramagnetic Centers of Dry Albumens, Polypeptides, and Amino Acids, by M. K. Pulatova and Yu. S. Malinin,

6 pp.

HUSSIAN, rpt, Ul*traflolętoyoye Itlucheniye, 1966, pp 46-50.

JPRS 43436

An Inve8tigation of Photo-0xidation of Reconstituted. Pyridine Nucleotides As Re-lated to the Photobiological Effect of Short Rangę Ultraviolet Radiation, by A. A. Kraanovskiy and G. P. Brin, 9 PP*

RUSSIAN, rpt, Ul1traflolętoyoye Itlucheniye, 1966, pp 50-56 JPRS 43436

The Effect of Ultraviolet Radiation of the Synthesis of Nucleic \cids ln a Humań Anniotic Celi Culturę, by V. V. Terekikh,

5 PP*

RUSSIAN, rpt, Ul'traflolętoyoye Itlucheniye, 1966, pp 57-60.

JPRS 43436

Change6 in Polarographic Waves of Albumens under the Influence of Ultraviolet Radiation, by Ye. Ye. Rakhleyeva and I. D. Ivanov, 7 PP* FUSSIAN, rpt, Ul'traflolętoyoye Itlucheniye.

1966, pp 60-64.

JPRS 43436

Kolecular Mecbaniem* of Lethal and Mutageaic Effect of Ultraviolet Irradlation on Yiruses and Bacteria, by G. B. Zavil'gel*kiy and V. I. Tovaraitskiy, IB pp.

FUSSIAN, rpt, Ul«trafloletoroye Itlucheniye, 1966, pp 65-77.

JPRS 43436



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