Scientific Chewistry (Contd)
Earth Sciences 5 Oceanugraphy (Contd)
Exploeive Re&ction between Irradiated Liquld Nitrogen and Oxygen by Zenichiro Kuri,
Shoji Snida, 7 pp»
JAPARESB, per, Nippon Iaotope Kalg, Hobun-ahu, Ro 4. 1961, pp 264-286.
P9U.408467 ABC ORSL-TR-1771*
Rew Colorlmetric Methods Using Thiocyanates IV. Determination of Tracea of Bromide In the Preeence of Chloride and Iodine, by I. Iwaeaki, 8. Utaume, 25 pp.
JAPANESE, per, Nippon Kajaku Zasshi, VoI 80,
No 7, 1959, PP 7W-749.
P911380767 ABC NP-TR-157^
Strontiun-90 in Fresh-Water and Salt-Water Bodies of Water, by G. G. Polikarpów.
RUSSIAN, rpt, 1967.
The Distribution of Strontiun-90 and Cesiun-137 in the Profile of SOils Uhder Natural Con-ditions in 1964, by L. I. Gedeonów.
RUSSIAN, per, 1967.
Results of Deterainatinn of Strontiun-90 in Watersof the Indian Ocean in 1962, by N. I. Popow.
P.USSIAN, rpt, 1967.
Effects of Light and Darkness on Some Organie Coapouids in Lenna Perpusilia, by Ching-San Chen, Masateru Miyano.
JAPANESE, per, Nippon No*eika2aku kaishi. yol
40, 1966, pp ---
The Stroniu#-90 and Cesiu»-137 Ccntent in the Waters of the Atlantic Ocean and Its Seas in Aufust-Nowenber 1963, by L. I. Gedeonów. RUSSIAN, per, 1967.
Effect of Linęar Energy Transfer on the Radiolysis of Methanol, by M. Imamura, 15 pp. JAPANESE, per, Rlku Gaku Kenkyusho Hokoku,
Vol 40, Ro 3, 19&, PP 176-184.
P911390467 ABC NP-TR 1577
New Contributions to the Spectrographic Determination of Inpurities in Uraniua Materials by the Method fo Fractional Distillation with Carrier, by C. Capdewila.
SPANISH, per, An Real Soc Espan Fis Qiua Ser B. Vol 63, 1967, pp 1SS-168.
Earth Sciences S Oceanography
The Strontiua-90 and Cesiue-137 Content in the Waters of the Atlantic Ocean and Its Seas in April-July 1964, by L. I. Gedecnow.
RUSSIAN, rpt, 1967.
Undorwater CarAras, by A. A. Rogow. RUSSIA;:, por, ą:.’ SSSR. 0k3anoPTaflchasfriVf “ “ ‘ ‘ ~ 'a nrodwodnwkh
•rTD-ffr-23-t 2?-6fi
Urderwater Photojraphy in -iirky './eter, by /. Ye, Dohos & A. V. Ktyer,
RUSSIA!., per, S$3R. Ok«ano,-»r»flc:iB«friYf lyiiss^t SokTslya nrodvodnykh ls.leioyanlw. faryftlyc Morshlkh orodyodnwkh laslodoyą'?!?:
The Accuaulation of Artificial Radionuclidc* on the Earth*s Surface in the Region of Leningrad in 19S4-196S, by L. I. Gedeonów.
RUSSIAN, rpt, 1967.
The Content of Strontlv»-90 in the Total Fallout on the Territozy of the Ukralnien SSR in 1963-1966, by I. B. Mukhin.
RUSSIAN, rpt, 1967.
Use of Unden.*ater Sterephotogran-eetric Surweying to Inwestigate the Ioe Cower, by V. S. Loekohilow. RUSSIAN, per, A^-S55Ri_ Okeanografichaik^Yg
pradwodn/kh isalodovanlw. Pyr^Hikh cyfrodnykh las\odowanfr.