Scientific    Scientific

Earth Sciences 6 Oceanography (Contd)    Electronics 5 Elcctrical Engineering (Contd)

Applioatlon of Magnetio Hetfaod in Srploratlon of Thorlua-Uraniun Baarlng Yein Rocka la Sałacka Kountaln Ara a, by Stani tiar Yisio.

TUGOSLAYIAN, par, Saraana    «a

sn.rgl.1a. Zaród %t Ngid«trp. Mjorln. aa Iatracivanjc Ikiklcarnlh i Dnudh Kina; aLą>vina, No 2, Kqt1963. PP 25.35.

•ACIC TC-1370

Gaology of tha Torrltory of Banat on tha Basia of tha Łataat Geologioal Inrestigations and Drillinga, by 0. Nikolic and D. Siain. HEOSLAYIAK, par, Yaanik Łaaoda aa Gcoloaka 1 Gaofiaioka I«tra*ivan.1a Srbi.la, Vol i?. 195?.

pp M-&.

tac Tc-1373

Magnetic Relaxation of Nuclai in Semiconductors and Sarninętals in a Ouantizing Magnetic Field, by G, Ye, Guranishvili A G, R. Khutsishvili.

RUSSIAN, per, AN GRUZSSR Sb, Elektron, i ion, protsesgy v tverd. telakh, Tbiligi, Kctsniąaspba, No 2, 1965, PP 72-81.


High-Speed £xtxemm Regulator Working Per Method of Random Search, by L. A, Rastrigin A Ł. V, Sytenko, 22 pp.

RUSSIAN, per, AN LATSSR. Inatltut Elektroniki i Vychlsllteiłnoy Tekhniki, Avtoraatlka i Vychlslltel«naya Tekhnlita, Vol 5. Ko 6. 1963. pp 237-255.    P100370967


Addar and Logio Elan anta Udng Neuriatora, by V.

Sd-Earth Sci

Electronics Ł Elcctrical Enginccring

G. m*kDT.

RUSSIAK, par, ĄK LatSSR. InatltutElektroniki 1 WoM^lUł.no, Takbnikl Ąrtoiaatika i YyohUlitrtJ.naya Tekimłka. So ik. 1966. m> 9V99.


Dynaaic Prograwning Uaad in Optlaising Flahary Syateas, by V.V.Manahutkln and Yu.Ya.Aialyakov, 6 pp.

RUSSIAK, unldentified aource, pp. 79-81.

JPRS 43,812

High-Current Pulsed Electron Accelerator, by E. A. Abramyan.

RUSSIAN, rpt, 1966.


Transforner-Based High-Current Accelerator, by E, A. Abranyan.

RUSSIAN, xpt, 1966.


Yarieties of Glov Diacharge by B. N- Klyarfel'd and L. G. Fuseva, 10 pp.

KJ8SIAN, rpt, Conf 65O 606, 2k Aug 1965.


ABC NP-TR-1U43 tm of Controllii* Aaiwuthal Inatrments with Aid of a Digital Arlthwetioal Machina, by Yta. B. Arkhangal'ałdLy, V. A. MyaanilcoT, 13 pp* RUSSIAK, par, AK 33SR. Inotitut Elaktroaakhanikj 1965, pp 128-136. P10Ó57W fTD-HT-66-451

Cbaputer for a Marina GraYineter with an Optloal-Maohanioal Oonrartar, by I. P. BaahUor.

RUSSIAK, par. AK S3SR. Inatltut fUJLkl Zawll. Plibonr dljra opredelanlja «Uj ^nAffti.j5ji

T 19&7pp 79-97.

The ChARS Automtio Correlation Reader with Shift Ragiater, by A. S. Baraahko A V. A. Kovalevakiy, 30 pp.

RUSSIAN, per, AN Ukrainskoy SSR. Chltayughchjye Aytonaty i RasPOŁnayaniye Obratoy. 1965. pp~Iw-207.P1003W167 FTD-HT-67-157

Injaotor-Typa daotron Aooalarator with Oonatant WaTa Phaaa Yolooity. by V. A. YlahnyahoT, I. A. Griahayar, 11 pp.


Punched-Tape Data Input Unit with Circultal Convaralon of Numbara, by Yu. A. Kakhnudov A N. B. Bekir-Zade, 11 pp.

RUSSIAN, par, Akadenlyą Nauk Atarbaydahanakoy

170.    P100336Ś67


Bandbook on tha MAZiX)L-a Tranalator and ito Uaa,

ty M. iotU, A. Yiyl.


WSSIAM, par, ^



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