
Earth Sciences 6 Occanography (Contd)


Earth Sciences tj Oceanography (Contd)

Atteapt to Use the Gaaaa-Ray Reflecticn Method for Quantitative Dertermination fo Iron in Underground Boreholes in the Ordzhonikidze Minę in the Krivoy Rog Basin, by A. P. Pshenichniy, G. F. Komissarzhenskaya. RUSSIAN, per, Vop Rud Geofiz, Cos Geol Kom SSSR, No S, 1965, pp 1Ó-122.


Noaograas for the Calculation of the Concen-tration of Radioactive Elements in Rocks, by A. B. Matveyev.

RUSSIAN, per, Vop Rud Ccofiz. Gos Geol Koa SSSR, No S, 196S, pp 131-133.


Application of the Quartz Magnetoneter for Checking Helaholtz Coils, by Yu. G. Mekhey. RUSSIAN, per, Vsesoyuznyy Nauchno-Issled Inst Metrologiy. No >2, 1963, pp 85-93. P100372267-Y FTD-MT-65-408

The Kain Charaoterietioa of the Geologio Struotore of Chi na > Prellarinary OonolneŁone, by T. K. Bucng. CHTNMB. per, Aota Geologio* Sinicę. Vol 40, No 1, 1960, pp 1-37 and one nap.


Panphlet Titled "Ustav (Teodesic a Kartografie" (Describes the Program, Methods and Output of the Czech Institute of Geodesy and Cartography in Praguc,

CZECH, per, Institute of Geodesy and Cartography

pp 1-18.

* FTD-I fT-2 3-1S37-67 lhe Detendnation of Geoid UnAilatione fxoa Free-Air AnoiaUei, by X. Arnold.

GERMAN, per, Ye^^mohungen^dee^Gaod^ifOhen

Nuaerioal Eraaples to the RLgoroua Theory of the Figurę of the Earth, by X. Arnold.

On the Theory of the Wleohert Modela, ty Karl Iidirotiflir,

GERMAN, per, Zaitaohrift fur Oeopfrralk, Zim 5/

6, 1966, 8 pp.

ACIC TC-1297

The Abaolnte Adjuatnent of the Defleotion of the Yertloal and the Geodetio Conneotion of the Continental Networks.


Acad Soi Hang.

The Iaportance of the Algyo Oil Field, by Akos Ban, l4 pp.

HUR} ARIAN, per, BanyaaaaU Lanok. Vol 100, No 10. Oot 1967. pp JPRS 43993

The Geologioal Struoture in Algyo, by Gyorgy Saalanoiy, 8 pp.

HUK}ARIAN, per, Banraesatl Lapok. Vol 100, No 10, Oot 1967, pp JFR3 43993

Oae of ReTerae Conbinatione of Oeteotors to ftippreae Moltiply Refleoted Karet, by Pi Te'ai, tlng-Chaz^, Vaag.



Aatrogeodetio and Grarinetrio Wbric Joring the Conetruotion of a Łaboratory for Ihertial dystane, by R. Sigl.

OBOUN, per, 1967, 41 pp.

•ACIC TC-1378

Drilling Problene at Algyo, by Fereno Patach,

6 pp.

HUK}ARIAN, per, Banraeaatl Lanok. Yol 100, No 10, Oot 1967. pp^S^Ior^**

JFR3 43993

Derelopnant Trende in the Great Hungarian Flain, by Bela Varga, 14 pp.

HUK}ARIAN, per, Baneeietl Łe»*k. Vól 100, No 10, Oot 1967, pp 7H-'

JJM 43993

JTKi 43,704

vo117> n° “

Jpm 43920

New Method for be te minio* Detuw Karki for Triangulatioe, 3 pp.

KUMOARIAII, per,    Klmt- *°. 23,

iudepeet, 14 Mov 47, p. 7.


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