
Earth Sciences 5 Oceanography (Contd)


Earth Sciences S Oceanography (Contd)

Magnatio and Orariaetrlo Stadia# ln Narada, ty R. Bahounak.

EGHłABZAM, par, Sbornlk Uatradniho uataau Gao-logjokaho. Vol 23, 195^. Gaologioal Sarlaa. Ho 1-

2, 1967, pp 299-30-9 ♦ 2 Tablaa.

ACIC TC-11/7

Yaluaa of Gaoaagnatio Elaaant# H. I, 2, and f in irdaal and Banat for 1960.0, by O. Atanadu, Nattlam.

RUHANIAN, par, Studjl «i Caroatarł da Gaologja, Gaofltlka, Geografia. Geophydos Sarlaa, Yol 3* R> Y, glW^aad 2 charta.

•ACIC TC-1376


Uraniua Resources of Japan. The Present State of Prospecting and Development, and the Futuro Aspect, by Motoo Sato.

JAPANESt, per, Japan Sci Techno1, Vol 6, No 12, 1965, pp 6-13.


Geology of Cuba, 207 pp.

SPAN1SB, bk, Geologia da Cuba, Cuban Inatl-tuta of Minaral Reaourcea, Havana, 196^, pp


JPRS 32,325


•ACIC TC-1375


Aeroaagnetlc 3urvaying of tha Iron Depo sita ln Central Bośnia, ty Slobodan Yukadnodo.

PO LISB, par, Oaoloakl Olasnik. lasu a No 10, 1964, pp 275-285, and ona sap.

•ACIC TC-1374

Daralopnant of Gaodatlo and Cartographio Teoh-nology ln Work of tha Central Athl.nl atratlon of Oaodeay and Cartography, 1945-1965, by J. Paidowałd.

P0LISH, par, Praeglad GaodffifW, Bo 9. 1965.

PP 35S-359.


Analytioal Aero-Triangulatlon, by Zhignlaar Sitak, 13 PP.

P0LISH, par^Praaglad Oaodaayjny. Yol 37. No 9.


Tha Anoaaloua Magnatio Flald of Kaeachnla, and ita Connactlon tdth Gaologioal Features of tha (huntry, by Slobodan Yukadnodo.

P0LISB, par.

Aipport of Gao-Tbpographlc Aotivltia« by Our Journal, by Constantin Tudor,

SPANISH, par, Rłd«ta da Oaodaala d Orgąnlaaraa “ —.torluliu. No 1, 1967, pp 20-26.

Prlnciple of Zoning ond Systen of Unit Divi6lon Used in Natural Geographic Zoning of Hort. Vietnan, by Nguyen Duc Chinh and Vu Tu Lap; 10 pp.

VIETNAMESE, per, Tap San Slnh Vat-Dl& Hoc,

Feb 1967, PP 38-43*

JPRS 43334

Integrated Natural Geographic Zoning and Boundariea, by Le Trong Tuc, 5 pp.

VIETNAMESE, per, Tap San Slnh Yat-Dla Hoc,

1967, pp 44-47.

JPRS 43334

Th* Dlatrlbution and Continoity of Bado Rooks ln tha Part of tha Yardar Zona Between Gergelija and Prlstlna Baaad on tha Data of Aaromagnetio Sumy, by Slobodan Yukadnodo.

TO0SLAYIAN, par, Gaoh?i Poluoatrva, Yol 32, pp 2L-28 and ona Map.

•ACIC TC-1372

Oaophydoal Data Cbnoamlag tha Gaologioal Struotaira of tha Baaaaant of tha Northarn Am of tha Daraiba Dal ta and tha Orlgin of Haaay Minarala in tha Marina Sand# of tha Blaok Saa Storalina, ty S. Airlnai, A. Pricajan.


Vbl 1.1/2, 1963-W. pp ACIC TC-1241

Pattama and StaUatioal RalaUonahlpa OoaoamiM tha Tama of tha Kagnatio Anoaaly in tha Salw oarpathianaof Aartam Kun tania, ty S. Airlnai.



Contrlbutlon to tha Knowledge of Oaologioal-Taotonio Ralatlonahipa Betwoao tha fedrla and Dobra Sraoa Kinaa Baaad on Gaophydoal Taata, by Ha KUdnotiOi

IUOOSLAYIAN, par. Gaoloaki YJawtt. No 5*7. 195U 1963, pp 65*77.

•ACIC TC-1371


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