Scientific    ...    Scłentifłc

Blological & Medical Sciences (Contd)    Blological 6 Medical Sciences (Contd)

Intentional Change of Peraonality Conaidered from a Morał-Theological Point of View, by C, H. Moonen. ttTTCH, per, Nljmegen, Chap VI, 1965, pp 178-206. HEW-NIH 12-12-6?

Biosynthetically Labelled Nucleic Acids, Nuc-loosides and Nucleotides, by R. Cardinaud.

FRENCH, rpt, AEC-C0NF-66-391-39, Nov 1966.


Anatonical and Clinlcal Conpariaon of 129 Mallgnant Cutaneoua Henatoreticulopathlea, by R. Degos. FRENCH, per, Ann Dera 3yph. Vol 92, No 2, 1965,

PP 121-12?.



Investigations lnto Iaolation of the Vlrus of Infectioua Monoraicleosia, by G. Marineaco. FRENCH, per, C R Acad Sc. Vol 258, 1964, pp ?4Ó-748.



Plant Physiology. Remarks on the Action of Gibberellic Acid on OENOTHERA BIENNIS L. by Caluda Picard.

FRENCH, per, Comptes Rendus, Vol 247, 1958, pp 2184-2187.


Present State of Knowledge on the Łectro-encephalography of Conditioning, by H.Gaataut,

28 pp.

FRENCH, per, Elcctroenccphalography and Clinlcal Neurophyslology, 8uppl o, 1957.

pp 133-160.

AC8I J-3896 ID 220U05Ś167

Ultraatractural Study of a Murine Sarcona Vlrua (MSV), by J. C. Leclerc.

FRENCH, per, Int J Cancer. Vol 2, No 5. 1967,

PP 475-487.



Seventy PerfUaiona of Hoaologous Iywphocytea in 25 Caaea of Advanoed Cancer, by Ł. Iarael. FTONCH, per, Path Blol, Vol 15, Noa 11/14, 196?, PP 603-606.


12-3-67 la it Poaalfcae to Regulate the Divieion of Cancer CellaT, ty P. Klaael.

FRENCH, per, Prggge Med, Vol 75. No 18, 1967,

PP 891-896.



Opinions Conceming Fatigue and tlie Adaption of man to Heat, by II. Laborit.

FRENOI, per, Revue de Med. Novale, Vol. 14, 19S9, pp 217-236.

•NAS/ TT F-11,476

Incalcul&ble Health Hazarda Cauaed by Food Irradiation: An Irreeponeible Łcperiment, by Walter Herbst, 34 pp.

GERMAN, rpt.

P911007168 AK AK-TR-69O6

The Effect of Conatant Living Conditlona on the aiffer Capaclty of Saliva, by I. Szabo A K.

Toth, 16 pp.

GERMAN, per, Aoadeala Sclantlarmn Hungąricae. Aota^by|lol°gica. Vol 20. No 2. 1061. pp 9V104.


Esperiraental Leukemia ln Chlckena, by V. EUeraann.

GERMAN, per, Cbl_ Bakt (Orlg). Vol 46, No ?, 1908, PP 595-609.



List Of 31ood Banks Ln Austria, 8 pp.

GERMAN, per, Har.dbuch Eber Ple Sanitaetsberufe Oesterreich. Auc 1966, pp h07-4n.

DIA L'l 329-68

PraoUoal Uae of tite Test fbr HB F-Cbntalnlng GAI* ln Blood Sneara, by 1tao ELainhaner. II pp. MWAN. p«i Intern! et. Vbl 1, lo 6, 1960, pp 292-295#

D*t of Naty/NHS 1222

Looal tffoot of the Baparinoid-lAronaae Cbntalzw Ing Salre LaaonilC*) upon the Bironbophlebltlo Fiooeaa ln the Lower Leg, Scar Fbnaatlon, Intra-OlaUal InfUtrates and ln Skin Tranaplanta, 2 pp. MfUł, P". ŁmdirU. łoi Ul, J1 Jul 1965, pp

o«pt of Uwj/wa 1226



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