Econowłc (Contd)


Urban Renewal, 18 pp.

RUSSIAN, per, ArKhltcctura, No 14-15, 9 July 1967, PP 1-18.

DLA IN 236-66

Revlcv of 50 Years of the Motor V«hlcle Indu»try, 13 pp.

RUSSIAN, Journal, Ayto^obll'nąya Proayąh-lannost*, Moscow, No. 10, Oct 67, pp. 1-4. JPRS 43.859

Methods for Raisleg the Rates of Constructlon of Enterprises of the Precast Relnforced Con-cretc and Quarrylng Industries, 6 pp.

RJSSIAN, per, Beton 1 Zheletobeton, No 8,

Au« 1967, pp 1-3.


Deputy Minister of Flnances Recoeeends laprov« ■ents ln Bookkeeplng, by X. Gushkov, 12 pp. RUSSUM, per, Bukhgalterskly uchet. No. 10, Moscow, Oct 67, pp. 5-13.

JPRS 43.833

Developaent of Mechanlaed Accountio* Traced, by V. Zsakoy, 16 pp.

RUSSUN, per, Bukhąalterskly uchet. No. 10,

Moscow, Oct 67, pp. 35-48.

J»S 43,833

Develop»ent of Ecoooalc Analysls ln USSR, by M. Bekano*, 12 pp.

RUSSLAN, per, lUikhatlterakly uchet. No. 10,

Moscow, Oct 67, pp. 48-56.

JPRS 43.833

Bookkeeplng Reguletions Iseued by Miniitry of Flnances, 7 pp.

RUSSIAN, per,    rrtfY WlłhH- Ho-l°* Moscow,

Oct 67, pp. 76-79. jns 43,633

Iuproved Pisanino N#«ded ln Po-,-er Statlon Constructlon, by A. A. Sedov, 9 pp.

RJSSIAN, per, Byulleten1 Stroltel^noy >kh-nlkl. No 10, Oct 19^7, pp 30-3?•


A Dev«lopaent Progres for the Constructlon lndustry, to pp*

RUtSlAK, Journal,    JSSSi^V OKt TtttłUfcl*

Moeecw, No. 11, 1967, pp. 23-26.

JIU 44017

On ths Seąuence of Plannlng, Deelgnlng and Flncnclag Cooeon Constructlon «t Industrlal Parka, 6 pp.

RUSS1AN, Journal, Byullaten1 Stroltel^oy Tekhnlkl, Moacow, No. 12, Dec 67, pp. 3-5. JPRS 44,167

Flfty Years of Technlcal Progreaa in Kasakh-aten, by A.S. Zhaklahev, 9 pp.

RUSSIAN, Journal, Byulleten' Stroltel'nov Tekhnlkl, Moacow, No. 12, Dec 67, pp. 27-30. JPRS 44,167

Noeenolatare-Prloe Lista daaaify Produotion £*ooka, by I, 0, Suetretor, 6 pp.

RUMIAN, per, Byulletap*

MomtiU. łSTirW, pp JPRS 43771

Speaialised Etatarprlaea Orfanlsed to Rapsir Household Appllanoea la R3F3R, by B. Te,

6 pp.

RUSSIAN. per, fi’—'

jwjTffiył*' ^*°v Ayo/w

Ukralnlan Banka Help ln New Ecooomic Refom, by C. Xovalenko, 12 pp.

RJSSIAN, per, PenłKl 1 kredlt, No 9, Oct 1967, PP 3-8.

JPRS U3776

Credit and the Tlaber lndustry, by N.Beresln, 9 pp.

RUSSIAN, per. Pen1*! 1 Kredlt. hoacow, Ho. 9, Sept. 67, pp. 14-19.

JPRS 43,839

Daveloj*ent of Gosbank USSR Traced, by A, Poskonov, 14 pp.

RUSSIAN, per, gen«gl 1 Kredlt, No 10, 1967, pp 11-20,

JPRS 43876

Money la the Servloe of the Bullding of Co—unl—, by V. Vorob'yer, 16 pp,

RUSSIAN, per, frn^j 1 Kredlt. No 10, 1967,

PP 21-31.

JPRS 43876

The Role of Credit ln Sooial Produotion, by V. larabekot, 13 pp,

«>"• &".'u y rmu. n« w. 1967,

PP JZ-40*

JPRS 43876



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