Hconomic (Contd)


Econoiaic (Contd)

Ootput Ouality And Producticn Effi ciency, by I* May*v«kly, 12 pp.    ******

RissiiN, p»r, flttgaaa Kbomr»tT9> 1,010 *Oot

1967, pp 54-63.

JPRS 43725

Deyelopraent of Ilrgitiya During Soriet Period, ty 3• Moiseyey, 9 pp*

RUSSUN, per, rUnoypye Khoęya,yttvo. No 11, 1967, pp 74-30.

JPRS 43927

in Iaportant StAge ln the Drrelopment of Branch Management, by V. larehor, 11 pp.

RUBSIAN, per, flAnoroye ŁhogAratyfl. No 10,

Oot 1967, pp 63-71.

JPRS 43725

Deyelopment of Tadzhik SSR Euring Soviet Period, by K. Kakhkamoy, 8 pp,

RUSSIAN, per, Planoygye Khogyayatro. No U, 1967,

pp 81-86.

JPRS 43927

New Hethode of P lenn Ing Capital Inveet»enta, by A. Stepun and V. Koslov, 12 pp.

RUSSLAN, Journal, Planoyoye Khozyayetyo, Moecow, No. 10, 1967, pp. 77-84.

JPRS 43.837

CQ4A Cooperatlon Clted by M. Leaechko,

13 pp.

RUSSIAN, Journal, Planoyoye KhoEyąyecyo.

No. li, Moecow 1967, pp. 17-26.

JPRS 43,851

Deyelopment of RSFSR During Soviet Period, by K. Gerasiznov, 14 pp,

RUSSIAN, per, Planoyoye Khogyayątyo. No 11, 1967, pp 27-36.

JPRS 43927

Deyelopment of Ukrainian SSR Durlng Soviet Period, by P. Rotenko, 15 pp.

RUSSIAN, per, Planoyoye Khoąyąyątyo. No 11, 1967, PP 37-46.

JPRS 43927

Deyelopment of Belorusaia During Soviet Period, ty F. Kokhonoy, 14 pp,

RUSSIAN, per, Planoyoye Khoąyąygtyo. No 11,

1967, pp 47-56,

JPRS 43927

Deyelopment of Katakh Econoay Durlng Sovlet Period, ty X, Ketebayey, 14 pp,

RUSSIAN, per, Planpygyo Khołyaygtro. No 11, 1967, pp 57-66,

JPRS 43927

Deyelopment of GeorgŁan SSR During 3orląt Period, by Ye. Dehaparldte, 10 pp.

RUSSIAN, per, Plenorgre Khoiytytto. No 11, 1967, PP 67-73.

JPRS 43927

Deyelopment of Armenlan SSR During Soriet Period, by L. Kbachatryan, 6 pp,

RUSSIAN, per, Planoyoye Khogyayatro. No 11, 1967, pp 87-90,

JPRS 43927

Deyelopment of Turkmen SSR During Soriet Period, by A. Teyllyey, 8 pp.

RUSSIAN, per, KLanorcye Khogyąyatyo. No 11, 1967, PP 91-96.

JPRS 43927

I^prorement of the Fonie and Hethode of Open-Ation of the Organa of State AAalnletration, by I. i. Aeorkln, 12 pp.

JPRS 43955

Further Sapandon of Partioipation of the Kaeeee in the Work of the Apparatae of State Addnletr* Uon. by I. A. Aaork'in. 9 pp.

RUSSIAN. par, Iblltiohodirm Ort^Mtejra Soretetogo Obehoheetyą. Chap 4, Seot 5. 1967, pp iiiJk.

JPRS 43955

Stret^theoli* fcjpular Oootrol orer the Aotirity of the Apperatua uf State AidbdnŁetratdon, by P. Z. RoaanoT, 8 pp RUSSIAN, per,

JPRS 43955

A Scientlfic Łaboratioo of the World SociAllet Syeteci of Beonomic Relationa, by A. Alekeeyev, 5 PP*

RJ80IAN, np, Prmyda, 5 Bept 1967, P 4. JPP6 43329

The Central Boarda in the Orbit of Reform, by Z. PuetovalOY, 6 pp.

JU8SIAN, np, Preyda, 15 8ept 1967, P 2.

JPF6 43325



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