Allied Liaison Staff General Headąuarters Mlddle East Forcea lOth December, 1943
Polish Liaison Office, G»H«Q«, M»E.F«
Reference attached Minutes of Conference: t&ese
e.re agreed subject to the comments which follow.
ParaGraph 3, last llne: "only civilian institutions might be moved further south should the need arise". This is acoeptable if it refers to schools. It cannot be taken to apply to such units as Polish Archives, and the like.
ParaGraph 5t It would be morę accurate to State that tbe supply of additional tanks is being investigated by G.H.Q,., rather than, as it is put here, that ”... no difficulties in supplying the fuli amount of Sherman tanks...”
ParaGraph 4, What C-in-C. intended to convey by his reply to General Sosnkowski was that mule transport Coys. oould not be raised in the M.E., but that steps were now being taken by A.F.H.O,. to raise suoh Goys. for use in Italy. It is unlikely that these Coys will belong to individual Divs. or Corps. They are morę likely to be G.H.3,* troops, to be allotted to formations for operational purposes as and when reąuired.
Chief Liaison Offlcer(Allies).
Copy to D.C.G.S.
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