M05/BM/GI. 450
21st January, 1S44.
Dear General Sosnkowski,
I have the honoiir to ref er to your letter of 11 th January addressed to General Grasett which has been brought to nęr notice in his absence.
In reading the oopy of a cipher message dated 9th January which you have received frora General Bohusz, second-in-command of 2nd Polish Corps, I have the impression that the General reports his conversation with the Coramander, Eighth Array, without a fuli knowledge and appreciation of the agreement between H. W. G. in the U.K. and the Government of Poland dated 5 August, 1940, and of the letters on this eubject which have already been exchanged between yourself and the Chief of the Imperial General Staff. I refer to your letter No 751/faW/ 43 of 19 September, 1943 and to the reply of the Chief of the Imperial General Staff /CIQS/k?<(/20/7734 of 25 September/.
Yfhilst your wish to oaintain the operational entity of the polish Corps has alweys been fully understood, the possible need for the initial eraployment of the 3rd Carpathian Division apart from the Corps and of other formations and units when exceptional circumstanoes so warrant, has similarly been accepted between us.
I sin confident that you, as a soldier, will agree with rae that, the principles for the employment of polish forces having been forraally established, the óetailed method whereby these forces may be introduced once again to the battle-field in Europę must remein within the proper province of the Allied commanders in the field.
These arrangements must of necessity conform to the current dispositions of the forces concerneć and will take
General K. Sosnkowski, ./,
Rubens Hotel,
Buckingham Pałace Rd.,
London, S.W. 1.