lOth. De cerber 1?43«
ieferring to o«r conversation at your Iieadquartera on IoveEber 7th., I r/ould li.ł:c to inforr you tbat I have now c ospie te d the inpection of the Foliah /..my in the vist.
'ml very pleased wltfa the results, and I feel surę that our ^nd. Corpo will be fully ecmal to tho tasks awaiting them.
1 hnvo discuosed at length the :uestion of the roorganisation of the ,.nd. Corp3, first with General .nders, G.O.C. Polioli ',m in the Saet, and later ??ith General Sir 31 enry i uitland Wilson.
fter ć ie conaideration, I have adopted the follow-ing colution:-
e) to cena the Corpo to the front ac one integrał wfcole under it*3 presont form,
b) to delay the reorgan sution until the rrhole of the Corpo arrłyes in the front area.
nile solution, Y/hich ret with the fuli ayproral of General ilson, has the fcllowing Vvasitages:-
i) all delay will te avoid©d lo aending the Corpo forward,
ii) the Corpo r.7ill be able to fight i te first aotlona in itd yresent form, i.e. the fors in whioh it fcae be en trained. This wili aaaure the hi^hest degree of efficiency an3 the test posoible state of norsle of the units.
iii) the proportion of losses may provc lower th&ri allowed for. gain, the flow of reinfcrcer.ents nay inorease
aimultaneotioly (Tolish T.o/ #f f-v?itzerlan&, Baltona, etc)* whiefc tfoula facilitate the recrgani3ation, in case of need.
General itoight D. r.isenhower, Conmander-in-Ohief Allled "orcea, horth Africa.
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