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miro. .

IGib. »tcjjs:fc#r 1.? «

S-ollch &osatftŚtr»la»CMe£*

tftrrlnę to our cor.mrootien ot your Heft&raartmt on o*vtrber 10 to,    ot>l(ł Ute* to inform you &at I . vve

ncw co^-rpletod to    of iolich i*w®r ii-; to siat*

' I or. '-ery plcaoct itł th« retrul to* ar. ' I fool suro tot our nć. orpo trlll te ftilly    to to toto    ton.

i have gittn s/utfc tou^fct to ycur rropooolc L»Itb r©c*r£ to to rrcr^ricrctiei; of w r.d. Córy®# »nd I fully ap; reciete to nroa for adoptirip n otr©jr>ę or^anlsiution for operationul rt^conc. 1 fcact, bowrcrf te tcite ot* or cor oid-eratlona Ił to acc-o^t wił,

irst o£ g! '. v 1 riobed to rroić all posoitole dcloy ln ttndlng tfa* Corpa foruard. fuyth«r# I mated to *ivo t:» Corpo a clkujico to flght to lr tiret votio$ji on der to orract^atlon in tóiich toy Tar* to er; trained, oe tfcic woald ' ooouro to fci^oat    ef offiel^ncy and tfce beet roosjible

Dorale of to aiila. fir.ally, I tave t;ood (;rau>:&9 to hope that to flor of rolnfcrcoaoitr ms shertly toreaee ( lich • • • »    lkaoa, ttcr.j. £-.e loatee* on to otor

h^nd, is&y i>i*ov© loj-or th&tt r, Iowo a for.

fter hr.vt;£ córefully conciltr^d *11 f e :vetora,

I havet tomfonr, 'dopted to rollowinc aclutions-

&) to cor.s. to-Corpa tc the fror.t oe one    wbole

ueder itc presont fora;

b) to dolay to    ;f roor£.uni*ation ar tli to

®: alt corF® ^.rm-es in to fror.t az^ea#

thls aolation it in ca*;lot® cccord with to opi-iaj cf densr#l ilson, eit! toe '. discuaoefl tl:t ratter «t ler^tb.

Cor.eral to toc#

Sir * arold^ lorandtr.

•    * *y • •    »    « )    «    «    99    « a ,

dmeral ^ffleer Ctosadin^in-Chltf,

15 Anaj Group.


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